The waterspout was more than 1,000 meters high, moving across the sea, blowing away a number of fishermen's boats and boats and then coming ashore in the area of Van Hung

The video recorded the spectacle of vortex trees near the beach of Arrocito in Huatulco, Oaxaca, Mexico that many viewers enjoyed, MSN reported on November 6.

Seeing a hard-water cannon was hard, but the lucky Italian named Roberto Giudici also took pictures of all four cannons at the same time while outside of Orthoni Island (Greece).

The American couple driving near the Colorado River, Blythe, California, recorded the moment when fire cannons entered the riverbed and turned into a water cannon on July 14,

Residents in Dorset, England witnessed a 120-meter-high cannons sweeping the Weymouth Bay area for almost a minute in the morning, according to the BBC.