The mysterious curtain around the black smoke, white smoke in the cardinals disappeared after the Vatican announced the chemicals that the Holy See used to create smoke.

In the area near the equator of Red Planet, just above the volcano range is a cloud of white opaque clouds that are floating strangely.

A small island appeared in Japan's territorial waters after the volcano erupted, marking the first time this special phenomenon occurred after 30 years.

The monitoring station in Hanoi has detected radioactivity in the air. However, the analytical results show that it is only a very small content, does not affect human health.

Dominic Ricci recorded the scene of white smoke covering Lake Superior in Duluth, Minnesota, USA, on December 26, the Herald Sun reported.

The Japanese Navy saw smoke rising about 1000km south of Tokyo on November 20 and the coast guard then confirmed a new island was born around Ogasawara Islands.