The African wild dog is a mammal in the Dog family, Carnivore. They are the most powerful bite of any carnivorous mammal.

No one expected a lonely wild dog, lying alone in the corner of the garden, to be an extremely rare and endangered creature.

Contrary to the imagination of many people, the culprit used to suck blood and kill cattle in many countries around the world ...

The brave mother lion fights alone for the hungry to help her child escape.

Wild dogs in Australia look a bit like domestic dogs, but actually, they are wild animals.

Wildlife photographers and conservationists Sarosh Lodhi from central India filmed a python that opens its mouth wide to swallow deer, and then tries to vomit its prey.

Scientists recently reported that the number of wildlife species living in the Sahara desert is disappearing with amazing speed.

A group of Russian-led international archaeologists have discovered a skull of a supported dog dating back to 33,000 years in the cave of Siberian Altai mountain.

The video from an episode of the Dynasties documentary series shows two wild dogs being attacked to death by hyenas and crocodiles.

Every day, the team hunting wild dogs in the Indian state of Kerala is always on duty, ready to get on the way to do their duty, whenever they receive a call from the people.