Taking PrEP can help eliminate the risk of HIV infection

A new study published shows that taking a PrEP pill every day can eliminate the risk of getting HIV when having sex with someone who is infected with this deadly disease.

A new study published shows that taking a PrEP pill every day can eliminate the risk of getting HIV when having sex with someone who is infected with this deadly disease.

This study is gaining attention at the 21st International HIV / AIDS Conference in Durban (South Africa).

Picture 1 of Taking PrEP can help eliminate the risk of HIV infection

If PrEP is used, the infection rate has decreased by 97%.

According to a study presented at the conference, people who drank each day an antiviral drug called PrEP, usually a drug that patients with HIV or drink, had a very low rate of HIV infection.

More than 1,000 couples in Kenya and Uganda participated in a two-year trial in which one in two people became infected with HIV. The results showed that if using PrEP , the infection rate was reduced to 97%.

So far, seven countries have approved the use of PrEP and the use of PrEP is increasing in the US in high-risk groups.

Hetero Drugs Limited is an Indian pharmaceutical company specializing in the production of generic medicines.

The company's marketing director, Rahul Lande, said: "A person is at risk for HIV taking two tablets before having sex and two in 24 to 48 hours after having sex. "The infection prevention rate is up to 97%. The remaining 3% are basically people who don't take drugs. This is a pretty successful study."

Currently some medical facilities are selling "generic" PrEP medicines (products equivalent to the original product) for $ 100 / year.

Update 15 December 2018



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