Teenage mood swings are reversed by Hormone

Researchers believe that a hormone produced in the body can help respond to stress in calm adults and children instead increase stress levels in underage years. year.

Experiments with female mice have been conducted focusing on THP hormones on it, this hormone shows this paradoxical effect and describes the brain structure that helps explain that phenomenon.

THP is also called allopregnanolone, which acts as a natural tranquilizer.

Picture 1 of Teenage mood swings are reversed by Hormone This hormone is not immediately created when stressed and it takes several minutes later, it reduces nerve activity to reduce anxiety and helps the individual adapt and function properly during stressful times.

A research group at the New York State University Medical Center, led by physiologist and pharmacologist Sheryl Smith, examined the brain and behavior of mice before puberty and puberty. and mature.

Experts make mice suffer from stressful events by suddenly putting them inside a plexi glass container no bigger than its body and keeping them there for 45 minutes.

Professor Smith said 20 minutes after being stressed both pups and adults showed less fear, but puberty children feared more.

Scientific experts suspect that the same problem occurs with people like mice and this phenomenon may help detect mood changes and stresses that occur in teenagers.

Professor Smith added that this does not mean that teenagers are always angry, but will change when they look good and feel comfortable then suddenly burst into tears or anger.

He thought that was why people used the term ' rage hormone '. According to a report by the research team in Nature Neuroscience, emotional changes are not always good.

In response to the growing tension, at that time fear or fear will appear, and it is likely that it is twice as high in girls as boys.

In addition, the risk of suicide is also high in this age group despite the use of adult-based medical methods.

Anh Phuong