The 300 year old hollow tree still lives healthy

The 300-year-old camphor tree, 10 meters tall in Jiangxi Province, China still lives healthy even though its trunk is hollowed out with only two shells.

The 300-year-old camphor tree, 10 meters tall in Jiangxi Province, China still lives healthy even though its trunk is hollowed out with only two shells.

Picture 1 of The 300 year old hollow tree still lives healthy

Ancient camphor tree in Yu Yuan County, Jiangxi Province, China has a hollow body, only two pieces of shell left but still growing healthy, QQ on December 5 reported.

Picture 2 of The 300 year old hollow tree still lives healthy

It has a diameter of about three meters, more than 10 meters high with lush green canopy.

Picture 3 of The 300 year old hollow tree still lives healthy

Local people said this camphor tree was over 300 years old. They call this "resilient tree" because of its exceptional resistance.

Picture 4 of The 300 year old hollow tree still lives healthy

In the short term, camphor trees are included in the list of precious timber trees to be protected by Vu Nguyen district.

Picture 5 of The 300 year old hollow tree still lives healthy

According to experts, the trunk is large by year.As the tree gets older, the wood in the middle makes it difficult to get oxygen and nutrients so it rots and dies.

Picture 6 of The 300 year old hollow tree still lives healthy

In addition, elements such as lightning strikes, fungal, bacterial or animal infestations can also cause hollowed out plants.However, because the conduction circuits are still intact, essential nutrients are still transported to the organs, helping the plant grow healthy.

Update 17 December 2018



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