The broken moon will turn the belt around Mars

After the death of the only moon Phobos, Mars could become the second Saturn version with a debris belt surrounded.

After the death of the only moon Phobos, Mars could become the second Saturn version with a debris belt surrounded.

Explanation of the death of the moon Phobos - The only moon of Mars

Recent research points to the strange cracks on the moon Phobos of Mars as a sign of its disintegration. According to scientists, the inside of the moon is just a loosely coupled mass that is weakening due to the impact of ancient times. The tide lock phenomenon continues to put pressure on Mars's only moon , causing it to gradually crack, according to UPI.

Picture 1 of The broken moon will turn the belt around Mars

Mars after the death of the moon Phobos.(Photo: Herald Voice).

The team at the University of California, Berkeley, USA, identified the death of the Phobos moon as the birth of a ring of stone dust surrounding the red planet . They estimated Phobos' lifetime to last 20 to 40 million years before breaking into pieces. The results of the study are published in the journal Nature Geoscience November 23.

The debris of the crack will quickly form the rock dust belt with the same density as Saturn's belt. Over time, the belt around Mars will gradually thin, but this process takes place in about 1 to 100 million years.

Saturn and Jupiter belts are also formed in part from the moons hitting each other. Today, Saturn has 62 moons and the number may be much larger millions of years ago. Jupiter has 67 moons.

The broken moon is a common phenomenon in the early days of the solar system . "Some moons may crumble due to the tide lock effect, some may collide with the primary planet. They are important components that have not been fully evaluated in the evolution of planets" , two scientists Benjamin Black and Tushar Mittal wrote in the study. According to them, Phobos' death was one of the last opportunities to witness the moon itself .

Update 17 December 2018



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