The burial place of Queen Cleopatra and her lover are about to be revealed?

Archaeologists believe that a spot on Egypt's Nile Delta could provide new clues about Queen Cleopatra's final resting place.

Specialists are focusing their attention on the Taposiris Magna temple complex near Alexandria.

Their search will be revealed in the "Cleopatra: Sex, Lies and Secrets" program , broadcast on Science Channel on June 21.

"In Egypt, at the edge of the Nile Delta, a large archaeological excavation is underway in an attempt to find the tomb of Egypt's most famous pharaoh. Cleopatra's new theory of burial ground is taken home. Archeology - Dr. Kathleen Martinez introduced, showed that her tomb may be located in Taposiris Magna " , representatives of Science Channel revealed.

Picture 1 of The burial place of Queen Cleopatra and her lover are about to be revealed?
Taposiris Magna temple. (Photo: Science Channel)

Taposiris Magna recently caught the attention of archaeologists when speculation emerged that the temple might be the burial place of Queen Cleopatra and her lover Mark Antony. However, so far no tomb has been discovered.

Cleopatra VII was born in 70 or 69 BC and ruled Egypt for nearly three decades. After Cleopatra and Mark Anthony's forces were defeated by the famous general Octavian, she was believed to have committed suicide in 30 BC.

The resting place of Queen Cleopatra and her lover so far remains a mystery.

In 2009, a team of archaeologists uncovered some artifacts at the Taposiris Magna temple site and believed that the tombs of Cleopatra and Anthony were located very close by.

However, more than a decade has passed, and no new information has yet been revealed. Archaeologists hope the recently aired program could bring about new discoveries about the resting place of Egypt's last Pharaoh.