The eagle suddenly swooped down and grabbed the boy
A sharp-tailed eagle suddenly plunged down and used all of his strength in a boy show in central Australia.
A sharp-tailed eagle suddenly plunged down and used all of his strength in a boy show in central Australia.
The eagle rushed down to attack the boy in front of many audiences.(Photo: Instagram).
The BBC reports, the crowd watching the show was amazed to see the eagle grab claws on the boy's head at Alice Springs desert park on July 6. Witnesses said the bird tried to lift a boy like forgetting a small prey.
The boy about 6-8 years of age kept screaming and was lucky to escape the bird with a long and deep tear on his face. According to Christine O'Connell, a tourist visiting the park, the eagle flew straight to the boy from 15m away."A person sitting near said he was constantly zipping up and down," O'Connell said.
Attracted by the sound of zips, the eagle tightened the cap to spare the boy but protected the park in time to intervene. The attack wounded the boy and cried a lot because of panic, but the injury caused by the eagle was not serious.
According to park managers, the authorities are investigating the incident. Meanwhile, the eagle will be isolated from the show.
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