The girl who lived in a cave for 130 days to prove time does not exist, the results shocked scientists!

After all, what happened to her? Does time exist or not?

People often use the saying: "Time is more valuable than money" to describe the preciousness of time and remind yourself never to waste your life.

Around us, there are many things to measure time: from the sun, the moon, the crowing of the rooster, to the clock, the radio on the phone.

So does time really exist or not?

The famous scientist Einstein said in the theory of relativity a few decades ago: "There is no unique and absolute time. The time that people think is just an illusion."

And to verify this point of view, NASA conducted a test of human perception of time.

Specifically, they brought a female volunteer who is physically strong and mentally stable to live in a cave 150 meters deep underground.

The experiment was originally planned to run for 210 days, but only 130 days had passed and it had to be halted. As to why, let's review the details of the experiment!

Picture 1 of The girl who lived in a cave for 130 days to prove time does not exist, the results shocked scientists!

Fully furnished underground room.

The "illusion" of time

In January 1989, to prove Einstein's theory of time illusion, NASA designed an experiment called "Time Argument".

They dug a cave tens of square meters wide at a depth of 150 meters underground. Adjust the temperature, humidity, air and living conditions inside exactly the same as on the ground. At the same time, the decoration is cozy and luxurious, providing enough utensils, food, water, beds, cabinets, tables and chairs and other household items.

Picture 2 of The girl who lived in a cave for 130 days to prove time does not exist, the results shocked scientists!

Folligny, the girl participating in the experiment.

Folligny, a 27-year-old girl from Italy, was chosen for the experiment.

The difference in the cave is that there is no natural landscape like the outside, there is no change, and there is no time stamp. Time on TV and computer is wiped clean.

From the moment of entering the cave, the experimental participant will live in a dark basement, without working, except for eating and sleeping, she is free to entertain and relax as she likes.

This lifestyle is very popular! So there are countless volunteers who have come to register because the reward that NASA has given is also very attractive.

Experimenter 1/10,000

Folligny is a designer, she is always busy and tired from her current job, so she signed up to participate in the experiment. Because coming here will not need to worry about eating!

She is a person with good physical health, which is comprehensively assessed for both her mental qualities and her ability to resist stress.

Folligny was excited to hear that he had passed 10,000 applicants to be able to participate in this project.

When the reporter asked Folligny how long she could stay in the cave, she confidently said: "If you give me enough food, drink, clothing, and entertainment, I can stay there for the rest of my life as well. Okay."

From the surveillance screen, one could see Folligny's cheerful smile as he saw the lavish decoration in the underground room.

Picture 3 of The girl who lived in a cave for 130 days to prove time does not exist, the results shocked scientists!

130 days Folligny here.

Life has no concept of time

Although the area of ​​the laboratory is not large, only 18 square meters, it is enough for Folligny to live comfortably.

NASA also announced, if she wants to stop halfway, can also press the doorbell to return to the ground earlier than planned.

Initially, Folligny was quite comfortable, she ate alone, played games, watched movies, and fell down on the bed when she was tired.

But in less than two weeks, Folligny began to feel bored. She decided to enrich herself by using this free time to learn more knowledge.

However, because there was no time display in the room, her previous rules of life were almost turned upside down.

Folligny doesn't know when to rest, when to eat, when to read, and when to sleep. She can only follow her instincts and what her body feels, her brain directs.

Experiment failed

After a while, the scientists found that Folligny slept only for an hour, woke up to eat and read a book. Sometimes I sleep for two days before I wake up.

Her state of health deteriorated, often mumbling to herself unconsciously, no longer interested in her favorite food or movie.

For her health and safety, the scientists decided to stop the experiment before things got worse.

When she was brought to the surface, because she had been alone for a long time, she was unable to adapt to the sun, and her whole body was numb. The doctor said her physical and mental health were both very bad.

Picture 4 of The girl who lived in a cave for 130 days to prove time does not exist, the results shocked scientists!

Current Folligny.

Waiting for Folligny to recover, scientists asked her how long she felt she had been there, Folligny said she had been there for 60 days.

But in reality, she was there for 130 days.

This is a testament to the fact that in a state of "no time", it is very difficult for people to control themselves. Of course, the experiment was still unsuccessful!

In fact, although we can rely on the clock to arrange the timetable. But this is a unit devised by man to regulate his own behavior along a trajectory.

Update 24 December 2021



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