The incredible and incredible abilities of young children

Life still happens miracles and contains endless surprises. Here are 5 incredible and incredible abilities of babies around the world.

Life still happens miracles and contains endless surprises. Here are 5 incredible and incredible abilities of babies around the world.

>> Miraculous abilities of babies

The extraordinary abilities of young children

1. 2 years old walk over 400 thousand km

2-year-old Bodhi Bennett, born and raised in the United States, walked more than 400 thousand kilometers with his parents across more than 40 states in the United States and climbed many high mountains . As early as 5 days old, she joined her parents in walking trips throughout the United States.

Picture 1 of The incredible and incredible abilities of young children

Picture 2 of The incredible and incredible abilities of young children

Shannon - Bennett's mother said: She and her husband love to travel, so after Bodhi birth they decided to make the journey. Surprisingly, despite being small, Bodhi was very happy and interested in long journeys. He is very climbing and imitating his parents. Everyone felt surprised and admired by Bodhi's climbing ability.

2. 8 year old calculated date in the blink of an eye

Thanks to his extraordinary memory and quick calculation ability, 8-year-old Aryan Parab lives in Mumbai (India), able to identify and calculate future dates in a lightning fast way.

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Aryan boy and calendar book by himself

It only takes a few seconds for the boy to know what the future day of the week is and the number of days of the year, faster than when using the mobile calendar application to find out.

Aryan is seen as a prodigy in India. My grandfather said. ' Aryan can accurately paint the calendar for a year in 20 to 25 minutes without having to use any reference material or refer to the Internet '.

Not only remember the date of the year in the future, the boy Aryan can remember exactly the birthday of everyone he has ever met. 'The boy always remembers all the information about dates, especially the birthdays of national leaders or important historical events,' said Rupali Parab, Aryan's mother.

3. Nearly being electrocuted, smoking metal objects

After a near electric shock, the Russian boy, Nikolai Kryaglyachenko (12 years old), was suddenly able to smoke metal objects, surprising many people.

Speaking of the first day of discovering the special ability, Nikolai said: ' On the way home from school, I rely on an electric pole when I was nearly shocked. Luckily escaped death, I panicked and ran home .

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Baby Nikolai demonstrates the ability to absorb metal.

" The next morning, when I woke up, I found that my body was covered with coins. Strangely, the spoon that I dropped dropped automatically onto my body while eating . '

From the day he discovered a special ability, Nikolai often performed for schoolmates and neighbors whenever he had the opportunity. Every time Nikolai demonstrates his ability to absorb metal, he attracts many viewers because of his curiosity.

4. Describe the past life of ancient Egypt

As a child, Dorothy Eady Louise (1904-1981) was an ordinary child living in a coastal town in London, England. Unfortunately, when one morning Dorothy ran down the stairs, slipped, fell, and was determined to die again.

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Dorothy Eady Louise (right).

Four years later, on an outing to the British Museum, Dorothy sat attentively watching the mummy for a long time, kissing the mummy's feet and insisting on not going home with her parents.She said she came from ancient Egypt and wished to return to her true home.

Later, Dorothy joined an ancient Egyptian research group. She came to Cairo, married a man here and gave birth to a child. However, marriage did not last long as she often fell into a trance state and scribbled hieroglyphs.

Picture 6 of The incredible and incredible abilities of young children

The picture depicts the love between Pharaoh Seti and the priestess Bentreshyt.

Dorothy's writings extend up to 70 pages about the life from his previous life, depicting himself being born in ancient Egypt as Bentreshyt and growing up as a nun at the Kom El Sultan Temple. At the age of 14, Pharaoh Seti fell in love and had children with her. However, because of the vow to keep the monk's virginity, Bentreshyt committed suicide to prevent Seti from getting involved.

With memories from his previous life, Dorothy pointed out the former location of the Garden temple, whereby archaeologists have pinpointed the location of the temple and the secret passage to the north . To date, Omm Seti's story is still a mystery of the world.

5. Relive after 16 years

4-year-old Nazira Rustemova, Kazakstan suffered from severe headaches, after each pain, Nazira went limp again, until one morning, her parents called up, she did not wake up again.

Nazira was taken to the hospital by her parents and concluded that she died of unknown causes and was taken to burial . But after that night, Nazira's father and grandfather all dreamed that there were people who dreamed that she was still alive.

Nazira's father quickly returned to the graveyard and flipped up the coffin to see his daughter lying close to a corner, not in the middle of the coffin as in the beginning, the crumpled shroud with scratches inside, hurriedly take me home. Nazira breathed back but still fell asleep for 2 weeks after taking home. Her family has found ways to wake up but has no effect. Later, they took Nazira to the hospital, everyone was amazed at this case.

At that time, the Soviet Ministry of Health transferred Nazira to Moscow for research.During the last 16 years placed in a glass cage and deep in sleep, Nazira still received food through the duct system connected to the stomach, but her body was only 30 cm long. Until one day she suddenly woke up.

Surprisingly, within a short period of time from the awakening, Nazira's body developed very quickly, soon she developed into a 20-year-old girl as her age friend. In the first few days, Nazira restored her speech skills, could communicate with people without forgetting any words. She even spoke four foreign languages, including Latin and lifted herself off the ground gently like flying. However, after a few years, these possibilities disappeared. Nazira forgot both her mother tongue (Kazakstan), only remembered in Russian.

Nazira also said that during her stay in the glass, although she could not wake up, she still knew everything was happening around her , even she could smell the scent and the sounds coming from the surroundings. Until the day she heard the phone ringing for a long time without anyone listening, so she woke up to listen.

Update 18 December 2018



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