The last dinner menu on Noah can be recreated

The menu of the last dinner on Noah in Christianity's Bible can also be recreated through computerized simulation technology with a special software.

This software can identify what people or animals have eaten in the past thanks to the marks left on their teeth when chewing food.

This is a new content published in the journal Ecology and Evolution (Ecology and Evolution).

Picture 1 of The last dinner menu on Noah can be recreated
Noah ship in theory.

According to a correspondent in Rome, the author of the software called MicroWeaR is an international research group working on a project of Sapienza University in Rome, in collaboration with Federico II University in Naples and several universities. other in Europe.

With free and flexible access, MicroWeaR can format, measure and accurately store microscopic marks and cracks on the tooth surfaces of living or fossilized species; From there, identify the process of chewing and consuming food such as fibrous plants, nuts or meat.

With their products, the team identified the main food of the Miocène century primates and the Pléistocène period which were fruits and synthetic plants respectively in that period.

Dr. Flavia Strani - Head of Sapienza University's Department of Earth Sciences, shared his research based on fossilized teeth with surface marks, revealing a range of important information about the real products, structural forms and more general are biological characteristics of extinct animals.

In the past decades, similar research techniques have developed more and more thanks to precise microscopes. Currently these techniques have been applied extensively for judicial investigations.