The meaning of giant statues

The giant human form - a statue many times larger than its true size continues to use convincing imagination for those who intend to remember a major national event or a ruling monarch , a beloved hero or a c & o republic

The giant human form - a statue many times larger than its true size continues to use convincing imagination for those who intend to remember a major national event or a ruling monarch , a beloved hero or a young republic, in the process, imprinting the majestic presence of humanity into the natural landscape.

Picture 1 of The meaning of giant statues

Giant statue of Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.Statues made of concrete cast on a steel core

Such monument works not only as a product of this period in the golden rank of the giant statue, from the late 1880s to 50 years later, when the Statue of Liberty in New York was completed, through throughout the 1930s with the enthronement of the Redeemer statue in Rio and the National Monument at Mount Rushmore, presented in 1941. The genealogy extends from the wonders of the ancient world like the Giant to Rhodes and giant statues created by Egyptian Pharaoh.

In all three cases mentioned above, the main purpose of the statue is to incarnate or encapsulate in a scale that commemorates a long-held sentiment that seems to appeal to a more permanent form of expression. For the Statue of Liberty, the aim is to show the friendship of the French people towards the citizens of a young and same republic, the United States. Rio's Jésus statue is well known for the efforts of the Christian community in Rio City , intending to be a tangible source of inspiration for local believers as well as the expression of hospitality through double imagery. hands wide open. Mount Rushmore's statue comes from the idea that the South Dakota historian intended to increase his interest in the area through sculptures commemorating the characters of the West. Portraits of Kit Carson and Buffalo Bill later replaced by presidents Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt.

Today, these initial motivations can be forgotten, but the strong persuasion of the statues as representatives of the city or country they must represent has not faded with time. Restoration work needs to be done to repair the devastation caused by perennial and climate impacts, but these figures continue to be revered and advertised as national symbols.

The process of designing, constructing or carving these giant statues in what exactly the very exposed place exposes calls for a certain degree of cooperation between the sculptor and his selection engineer , the structure must bear such huge impact, the limited area has the ability to sink the foundation and build the base of the wall, in the case of the sculptor John Gutzon Borglum on Mount Rushmore, the logistics requires Strictly to transfer the desired three-dimensional shape from the studio into a face on the stone.

Picture 2 of The meaning of giant statues

Statue of Liberty in New York

Statues often require a height or higher than the most recent construction in a welcoming city, a feat Gustave Eiffel - the engineer whose name is named for the tower, must be kept with a bracing steel frame. The wind beats the iron-worked components in the reactor to keep the "skin" of the Statue of Liberty, a new technique adopted by contractors in New York.

An artist started making a small-scale model, adapting the shape of the statue to perfection and had to review the assembly options. Then on the external section of the structure will be broken down into a set of parts for production, transportation and then assembly at the site. At Mount Rushmore, where the material was directly smashed and chiseled rather than built according to the profile of the four presidents, the sculptor devised an ingenious method of enlarging the head from the model right there. The school is only to remove the existing stone when needed. The eyes of professional artists still prevail. Paul Landowski, the French and Polish sculptor, the author of the statue of Lord Jésus in Rio, insisted that he perfect the design of the head and hand of the statue to the fullest extent in order to avoid strong deformation. Will be generated during the enlargement process from the model.

Statues on the scale today do not think of. Instead there are a series of recent iconic works such as Sydney Opera House and the Guggenheim Museum, which also serve the same purpose, in the form of an international reputation of a city, as well as three statues. this giant.

Picture 3 of The meaning of giant statues

The first giant 4-head statue of the US carved from the eye of the living rock of Mount Rushmore in South Dakota state uses explosives and drills.

Update 15 December 2018



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