The Ministry of Health recommends prevention of bacillary dysentery

From the beginning of March 2017, Lai Chau Center for Preventive Medicine said that there have been outbreaks of diarrhea caused by bacilli at 4 villages in Ma Ly Chai commune, Phong Tho district with the number of cases up to 56 people; in which 2 samples tested are positive for dysentery bacilli.

Facing the above situation, the Department of Preventive Medicine (Ministry of Health) recommends: To proactively prevent bacillary dysentery, people and communities need to eat cooked food, drink boiled water; Good personal hygiene, hand washing with soap before eating, after going to the toilet.

Picture 1 of The Ministry of Health recommends prevention of bacillary dysentery
Bacillary dysentery is an acute intestinal infection caused by Shigella bacilli.

People need to use clean water, keep public water hygienic; using hygienic latrines, not defecating indiscriminately; absolutely do not use fresh manure to fertilize vegetables. When there are signs of infection (abdominal pain, fever), people need to go to the medical facility immediately for examination and treatment in time .

Bacillary dysentery is an acute intestinal infection caused by Shigella bacilli . The disease is spread mainly through fecal - oral, from patients to healed directly through contact, or indirectly through contaminated food and water. Insects such as flies, typhoons, cockroaches . are a source of spreading pathogens to food.

People with bacillary dysentery have symptoms such as high fever 38 - 39 degrees Celsius, chills, headache, fatigue. Children with the disease may have seizures, loss of appetite, thirst, bitterness, nausea or vomiting, accompanied by dysentery syndrome (including: abdominal cramps, burning pain); Unformed stools with mucus and blood, sometimes loose stools ignore blood like meat washing water. In severe cases, patients may be confused with electrolyte water, circulatory failure, death.