The most extreme toilets in the world at an altitude of 2,600m

A toilet located on a high cliff 2.600m above the sea level of a weather station in the Kara-Tyurek region in the Altai, Siberia mountains.

A toilet located on a high cliff 2.600m above the sea level of a weather station in the Kara-Tyurek region in the Altai Mountains, Siberia was voted the harshest toilet in the world.

Picture 1 of The most extreme toilets in the world at an altitude of 2,600m

The harshest toilet in the world at an altitude of 2,600m

Each month, there will be mailers, weather data collectors, and helicopters carrying food, water and wood from the fireplace.

Those who use this toilet must be very brave and minimize its use when not needed.

Used in 1939. Through surveys, this is the harshest toilet in the world and there are also many luxurious toilets found in this survey.

The most expensive toilet in the world named Swiss Horn Gold Palace in Hong Kong (China) is made from 3 gold plates and takes several years to complete. The world's most frightening toilet is located on the top of the elevator shaft of a 15-storey house in Mexico.

Picture 2 of The most extreme toilets in the world at an altitude of 2,600m

Picture 3 of The most extreme toilets in the world at an altitude of 2,600m

Picture 4 of The most extreme toilets in the world at an altitude of 2,600m

Update 18 December 2018



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