The most frightening mistakes of humans

Cosmetic tattoos, braces, and lip balances make you different from those around you, but they can have disastrous consequences for yourself.

Cosmetic tattoos, braces, and lip balances make you different from those around you, but they can have disastrous consequences for yourself.

The most terrible mistakes that people often make to themselves

1. Shorten the toe bone

Many women want to reduce the size of the toe to fit in high heels. To do this, they only need surgery to remove part of the toe bone. No one has studied the effect of toe cutting on travel, but it can cause arthritis for many years. The good news is, if you have enough money to buy Manolo Blahnik shoes and dare to spend 10 thousand dollars to make a toe bone cutting operation in Beverly Hills (USA), you can hire someone to push the car to take you away. everywhere if arthritis occurs.

Picture 1 of The most frightening mistakes of humans


2. Laser hair removal

A powerful pulse laser can break down hair follicles. In addition to destroying hair follicles, high-power lasers also damage the blood vessels that feed hair follicles, thus preventing hair growth for many months (3-6 months). This therapy can increase pigmentation causing dark pigmentation, causing burns . It can also cause pain, leaving scars if done improperly. The negative effects of lasers can last for several years and you need to avoid sun exposure during therapy.

Picture 2 of The most frightening mistakes of humans


3. Puncture the body

Ear piercings are rarely caused by health problems unless someone is allergic to metal. However, you should consider carefully when intending to wear jewelry in other parts.Wearing a breast patch can create scars that make breastfeeding impossible. In addition, lesions in the nipples only heal after about a year. Wearing tips on the tongue can cause teeth to break and make swallowing chewing difficult. Meanwhile, a lip balm will cause you to lose interest (can cause tooth loss even when it has not been damaged or broken).

Picture 3 of The most frightening mistakes of humans

4. Wear braces

Braces are a type of metal jewelry that is fastened to some teeth. The phenomenon of wearing braces is quite common among hip hop artists and their fans. In addition to spending a lot of your money (a brace can be worth a few thousand dollars) and causing pain in the long run, it also makes your teeth and gums faster.

Picture 4 of The most frightening mistakes of humans


5. Tattoo beauty

The method of putting pigments into the skin for permanent makeup has become one of the options of women, but many experts warn it can have disastrous consequences. For example, if a mistake occurs, you will not be able to overcome the consequences or take a long time.

Removing cosmetic tattoos is not simple. One can remove the area of ​​the tattooed skin and sew it again, but it always leaves a scar. Another way is to sharpen the skin with a grinding machine. Of course, the person who removed the tattoo had to suffer but the results were not as expected. Currently, estheticians can intervene with lasers, but the treatment must be performed several times, separated by several weeks at a time. The cost of laser tattoo removal is also quite high.

In addition, cosmetic tattoos can increase the risk of multiple infections , such as AIDS, viral hepatitis, rubella, warts, syphilis. Tattoo ink can cause dermatitis, allergies.

Picture 5 of The most frightening mistakes of humans


6. Weight loss surgery

For people who can't lose weight by dieting or exercising, weight loss surgery can help them get a healthy weight. Weight loss surgery is a change in the digestive tract by reducing stomach size to reduce the amount of food taken into the body and the ability to absorb nutrients. Removing part of the stomach and connecting it to the small intestine is the most common technique. More than 40% of weight loss surgeries cause complications within 6 months, such as acute diarrhea or bowel movements. The body is born not to obesity, but it doesn't like us to use cutlery to interfere.

7. Whitening skin with chemicals

In Asia and Latin America, many consider skin whitening an ideal way to achieve Western beauty. They think that the brighter the skin, the more opportunities they will have in life. Some people want to lighten the skin to hide birth defects, such as white langurs. Cheap skin whitening measures are potential dangers. Some topical medications contain mercury , which causes damage to the kidneys and nervous system. Many other sprays contain hydroquinone, a carcinogen that has been banned in Europe.

Picture 6 of The most frightening mistakes of humans

8. Inject Botox to remove wrinkles

Tens of millions of people around the world are injecting Botox, a drug that can dissolve wrinkles on the forehead, to regain the youthful appearance. In fact, Botox is the compound name of Botulinum toxin - a protein that causes nerve damage caused by Clostridium botulinum bacteria. This is one of the most terrifying toxins in nature and is often used to treat muscle disorders.

Picture 7 of The most frightening mistakes of humans

If you get into a human body, the toxin of Clostridium botulinum will paralyze the diaphragm causing the victim to choke, even die. It prevents the transmission of signals from the brain to the muscles, making it impossible or difficult to swallow food into the stomach.

Due to the numbness of the muscles, one of the risks of Botox abuse is that it makes the face become dull, unable to show natural emotions. Doctors are responsible for the practice of injecting drugs only in the forehead and around the eyes for patients. If Botox injections are placed near the mouth, your lips may droop and you cannot control drooling.

9. Surgery to increase penis size

Most men want to impress big, long and healthy partners with their " quarter ", so they think about surgery. Doctors can stretch, enlarge or attach silicon balls to the penis. However, such surgeries can distort and reduce the sensitivity of the "little boy" . In fact, only those who are incapable of sexual activity because of an accident or testicular cancer should undergo penis surgery.

Picture 8 of The most frightening mistakes of humans

10. Liposuction

Many people expressed interest in knowing that they could reduce up to a few kilograms of fat after 4 hours of fat surgery . The amount of fat that can be removed depends on the patient's condition, the doctor's skills and the technique. However, liposuction surgery has never been considered a measure to lose weight, but a body shaping method.

According to the latest research in Europe, liposuction surgery is more dangerous than what people often advertise. Even if the level of medical technology is very high, the potential risks of liposuction are always lurking. Most patients with liposuction must carry many surgical defects . If the subcutaneous fat layer is removed unevenly or if the fat layer is located just below the skin is removed, the suction may be deformed into ugly, distorted dents. Because hair follicles are destroyed and tissues near the liposuction die because there is no blood, the patient will suffer from swelling and festering for months.

Picture 9 of The most frightening mistakes of humans

If too much smoking makes the fat tissue remaining under the skin too thin, the skin will appear very deep grooves. About 10% of liposuction patients lose sensation on the skin , suffer from stagnant skin or pain that lasts after monthly surgery. Patients who have too much fat removed at one time are more prone to worse complications.

Update 15 December 2018



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