The most terrible weapon face in the ancient world

In ancient times, war depended heavily on manpower and tactics. During that period, many military weapons were invented to become the fears of the enemy and surprised the posterity.

In ancient times, war depended heavily on manpower and tactics. During that period, many military weapons were invented to become the fears of the enemy and surprised the posterity.

Picture 1 of The most terrible weapon face in the ancient world

Oxybeles is a ' high-tech ' weapon used by Greeks since 375 BC. This is a large crossbow placed on a stand, firing arrows capable of penetrating heavy armor, with a much longer range than regular crossbows. This weapon was commonly used in the army of Alexander the Great of Macedon.

Picture 2 of The most terrible weapon face in the ancient world

Ballista is an upgraded version of the Oxybeles , with the biggest change being the use of two levers with torsion springs to fire instead of using the elastic force of the bow.Ballista is very popularly used in ancient Greek and Roman empires and became the root of ballistic science.

Picture 3 of The most terrible weapon face in the ancient world

Ballista has many different versions.A small version for a gunner in the Roman army is called Scorpio (left).Its upgrade is Cheiroballistra (right), meaning Ballista is portable, small and easier to manipulate.

Picture 4 of The most terrible weapon face in the ancient world

Polybolos is the automation version of Ballista, with a name loading box and a crawler system that allows users to shoot more without recharging.This weapon is like an ancient machine gun.

Picture 5 of The most terrible weapon face in the ancient world

Ballista has a specialized version for public missions, with rock bullets instead of arrows.This weapon is very large in size.

Picture 6 of The most terrible weapon face in the ancient world

In order to serve the cities, the Greeks developed a catapult , an extremely powerful long-range weapon that could collapse fortified walls.This weapon was absorbed and transformed by the Romans and other empires throughout the ancient period.

Picture 7 of The most terrible weapon face in the ancient world

The catapult uses the lever principle and the elasticity of the lever to fire the rock.This type of weapon includes the price of wood buried in the ground or placed on wheels, which need to be attached to the price by the horizontal axis, the ice basket is located at the top.When the hanging string and the arm arm swung up into an upright position, the end of the hanging string pushed the bullet towards the target with tremendous power.There are two main types of stoned machines, the first uses the force of the torsion spring wire to push the stones away.

Picture 8 of The most terrible weapon face in the ancient world

The second type uses leverage, created from heavy objects on the other end of the lever.This type of stoned machine can push stones farther and more accurately than those using twisted wires.

Picture 9 of The most terrible weapon face in the ancient world

If the catapult is a public weapon far from the heart, then the car that hits the wall (battering ram ) is a weapon that breaks into a close range.Its structure is quite simple, including a heavy log hanging on a rack on the wheel.When approaching the target, the soldiers will use their hand force to pull the wooden block backwards and then push it forward, creating strong smashes.

Picture 10 of The most terrible weapon face in the ancient world

From ancient times to medieval, city-beating cars proved their effectiveness because the construction materials at that time had a rather weak structure, hard to withstand the continuous smashes from weapons. this.Cracks will appear and expand until a large enough hole is created.The attack force will infiltrate through this gap to enter the city.

Picture 11 of The most terrible weapon face in the ancient world

The castle tower , the Greek called Helepolis , was used in battles in Greece since the 300s BC.Designed for approaching and infiltrating the enemy's high citadel, this is truly a multi-storey mobile castle, propelled by human power, able to carry many soldiers.The big city tower has many windows for archers and heavy support weapons like Ballista.

Picture 12 of The most terrible weapon face in the ancient world

The castle tower is sometimes a multi-level variant of a city-beating car, with a "thousand-pound punch" equipped on the bottom floor.This design is popular in the Roman army.

Picture 13 of The most terrible weapon face in the ancient world

Trireme - a three-story paddle boat - is an ancient ship, widely used in the naval battles of ancient Greek, Roman and Phoenician empires.With up to 170 paddles (usually slaves) and equipped with powerful machine crossbows, Trireme is the fastest and most powerful attack ship in the world in BC centuries.

Picture 14 of The most terrible weapon face in the ancient world

These boats played a very important role in many major wars like the Persian War, the Peloponnesian War.Over time, Trireme is upgraded to larger and more rowing warships like Quadriremes, Quinqueremes.

Picture 15 of The most terrible weapon face in the ancient world

If Trireme was an ancient oceanic hegemon, "Nail Archimedes" was their etching on the coast.This is the weapon that the great scientist Archimedes devised to help the Carthage city of Syracuse resist the invasion of the Romans.The main use of Archimedes' nail is to lift enemy ships up high and turn them to the sea.

Picture 16 of The most terrible weapon face in the ancient world

Archimedes foundation has a fairly simple structure.It is a wooden crane system, with strong wires and hooks at the top, operating on the principle of leverage.

Update 16 December 2018



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