The mysterious great grave of the eighteen generations of Qin Shihuang

So far, the tomb of Qin Gong No. 1 is the most recorded grave in China: The largest grave in the area: 5,334m2; there were many people buried in the tomb from the West Chu life: 186 people; There is the earliest wooden tomb and the earliest stone inscription in the history of Chinese burial.

So far, the tomb of Qin Gong No. 1 is the most recorded grave in China: The largest grave in the area: 5,334m2; there were many people buried in the tomb from the West Chu life: 186 people; There is the earliest wooden tomb and the earliest stone inscription in the history of Chinese burial.

The mystery of the grave has the most records in China

Mysterious land

Nam Chi Huy hamlet is about 5km south of Phung Tuong district, Bao Ke city, Shaanxi province. There is a strange wasteland : every year, whether spring or summer, even though the water is not lacking, the fields in the surrounding around the crop is very poor, the plants are drained, the local people see how this is normal.

In 1976, one day, the villagers Trieu pushed wheelbarrows to this wasteland to dig some land to repair the walls . The deep shovel of soil below here was different from the surrounding land in color and shape. status: reddish yellow soil, mixed with crushed rock and very hard.

A few days later, Mr. Zhao said this while talking about it, incidentally, Shaanxi archaeologists heard - they were trying to find out what was related to Qin Shihuang and the Qin ancestors. , but for several months there has been no result since the discovery of " the underground army team".

A large-scale survey was conducted around that strange land, over four months, a strange sight appeared before archaeological experts: It was an underground structure, rectangular, one The large tunnel cuts the building into a "middle" shape, occupying an area equal to three international standard football fields.

Picture 1 of The mysterious great grave of the eighteen generations of Qin Shihuang


The building is divided into 3 floors, the depth is equivalent to the 8-storey building. According to the body, it can be defined as a tomb. But such magnificent scale is very rare, the person lying in the grave must be an illustrious figure in the world. Who is that?

Countless bodies were buried

At the second floor of the grave, the deputy head of archaeological team Dien A Ky discovered a long head, a large mouth, probably at a very horrible death. That evening the archaeological staff discovered 20 remains that were no longer intact, unrelated, and a head on one side.

According to the old conception, the servants had to die according to their owners, and so on, so the descendants continued to serve as their masters on the earth. But often the servants who died by master had a proper coffin, and 20 of these remains could be slaves or prisoners, killed for sacrifice before the tomb was sealed.

According to archaeological findings, it can be seen that when the Qin Dynasty was established, the form of burial was changed, like Qin Shihuang, taking earthenware to make a statue of the horse's code to be buried rather than killing people. Thus, this ancient tomb must appear earlier, during the Tien Qin era .

Picture 2 of The mysterious great grave of the eighteen generations of Qin Shihuang


Next, the archaeological staff discovered around the 2nd floor there are 166 remains buried in the coffin, this is probably the voluntary burial . Surprisingly, the bodies of these people were strapped to their chests.

According to data, in the Spring and Autumn War period , the Qin people prevailed on the cremation of their legs, called the dead body : the person who had just died used a tight cloth to bend his chest to the coffin or jars, crumpled.

But the burial is also seen in the Lingnan cultures in the early period, Ma Gia Dau in the upper reaches of the Yellow River or the Yellow Statue in Ali plateau, Tibet 4,000-5,000 years ago. Wanting to prove that the people in the tomb were from the Qin Dynasty, they had to find another criterion: the experts found that all the wooden coffins in the tombs were arranged in the east-west direction.

Picture 3 of The mysterious great grave of the eighteen generations of Qin Shihuang


Archaeologist Dien A Ky said that the direction of burial is an important criterion to determine the ethnicity and time. Across a strip of Quan Trung to Gansu, several thousand tombs of the Qin Dynasty were excavated in the east-west direction.

Right now, another working group has found many important evidence at Ung Thanh - the largest scale citadel in the cities of the Spring and Autumn War, in the south of Phung Tuong district, Shaanxi. The citadel occupies an area of ​​11 km2, in the construction of the palace, the cemetery . The ancient tomb is also located in Ung Thanh territory, at the same time discovering and excavating 18 other ancient tombs with the same shape as "middle". each other but much smaller.

Thus, 166 sets of remains with this particular burial way were identified as Qin people. A total of 186 people were buried in the grave, indicating that the grave owner is a glorious character.

Revealed the celestial predator

Under the Zhou Dynasty more than 3,000 years ago, the Qin ancestors were a tribe, living nomadic in the vast border of the northwest. They then descended to today's Oceania region, undergoing many devastating battles with countries, gradually taking over the dominance, to Qin Shihuang consisting of six countries, uniting the world. From the time of Qinzhuang Gong, Qin to Qin Shihuang was more than 600 years with more than 30 rulers. Whose tomb is it?

After 10 years of careful work, in 1986 the experts touched the middle of the tomb, the financial bureau gradually appeared. The coffin is made of cypress, the two ends of the robe (the dream) protrude, the two sides of the north and north close with two extra strange wooden wings. Experts have to search in the old libraries, then follow the "Chu ceremony ", the method of closing the winged casket is called "the royal school " - this burial is only used for the celestial gods Chu.

Picture 4 of The mysterious great grave of the eighteen generations of Qin Shihuang


According to Chu ceremony , the vassals of the vassals did not have the right to bury the " royal school ", why were they used here? The lid of the sarcophagus was opened, and the inside of the coffin was left with only one thigh bone, all nothing. People also discovered many small round or oval holes around the grave, certainly the grave robbers took the first hand.

At the top of the coffin, the experts found a stone pair of up to 1m long, set to the east-west, and the bottom of the coffin was still bright red. According to the old burial spell, this stone pair is a tool to protect the power of the deceased. At the bottom of the coffin lined with lots of stone bars, carefully surveyed, this is a musical instrument called " khanh stone ", on the edge of the coffin with inscriptions, synthesizing the stones of ancient experts to tell the content. talking about a fun party party in the palace, the organizer who is the grave master, called " Cong Hoan Hoan" means the successor of Qin Cong Cong and Qin Hoan Cong, deducing that it is Qin Canh Cong.

Picture 5 of The mysterious great grave of the eighteen generations of Qin Shihuang


Qin Jing Gong (? -537 BC), Xu's family name, Thach, the eldest son of Qin Hoan Cong.Doanh Thach is the 14th Qin king, the 18-year-old group of Qin Shihuang Huang Business Main, was crowned in 557 BC, 40 years in office.And during the Qin Canh Cong, Qin had been able to go on Yong Cheng for 100 years, powerful forces, when Jing Gong passed away to use the funeral of the Chu family's death, he could see the power of the Qin land beyond. a strip of Quan Trung.

Update 18 December 2018



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