The new discovery of cosmic explosion creates gold and platinum

From our first observation of the collision of neutron stars in 2017, scientists realized that the 2016 gamma ray explosion was a kilonova, the type of explosion that produces gold and platinum in the universe.

From our first observation of the collision of neutron stars in 2017, scientists realized that the 2016 gamma ray explosion was a kilonova, the type of explosion that produces gold and platinum in the universe.

The collision between neutron stars , discovered in August 2017, produced gravitational waves, light and heavy elements such as gold and platinum. But astronomers realized they also witnessed a kilonova, the kind of explosion that produced gold and platinum , in 2016.

The 2017 observation provides evidence for the theory that such massive explosions in space produce large amounts of heavy elements. All gold and platinum found on Earth are likely created by ancient kilanova due to the collision of neutron stars.

Picture 1 of The new discovery of cosmic explosion creates gold and platinum

Illustration of two merged neutron stars.(Photo: University of Warwick).

According to CNN, the fact that astronomers can make direct observations in 2017 has changed what they expected about the shape of a kilanova. So they observed and looked back at other events.

Specifically, they looked at an August gamma ray explosion. The event, called GRB160821B , was followed a few minutes after it was discovered by NASA's Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory (NASA).

The new analysis of the 2016 event was published August 27 in the monthly journal of the Royal Astronomical Society.

The team realized they had observed a kilanova in 2016 without even knowing it. Researchers now believe it is also the result of a neutron star collision .

The 2016 event's findings were not as detailed as the 2017 events, but records from the first few hours revealed new insights into the early stages of kilanova. Astronomers were actually able to see the object formed after the collision, which was not present in the 2017 event.

"The remnants could be giant, high- magnet neutron stars called magnetar , which survived the collision and then collapsed into a black hole , " said Geoffrey Ryan, research co-author and member of the Institute. Cooperating in Space Science Research at the University of Maryland's Department of Astronomy.

"This is interesting, because the theory shows that a magnetar will slow down or even stop the production of heavy metals, which is the ultimate source of kilonova-specific infrared light. we show that heavy metals can somehow escape the heat of residual matter , " Ryan said.

Currently, scientists want to apply the knowledge they gain from this research to other previous events. This will also improve their observations of future events to detect different types of kilanova, as is the case with supernovas.

  • Video: The supernova explosion brings gold to Earth
  • The explosion of thousands of stars shot gold, silver and platinum across the universe
Update 29 August 2019



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