The real solution for

The name Bermuda Triangle is used to refer to the waters between Florida, Bermuda and Puerto Rico.

Because, the so-called "mystery" here is actually . not available. There are no triangles, guys.

Each year, we see a few more stories floating around social networks, that people have found a solution to the "Bermuda Triangle" - the sea that leaves numerous boats and airplanes away. passing through mysteriously missing. From meteoric bombs in the form, to disturbing from the school, then the waves of "terrible" with a height of 30m often occur .

Picture 1 of The real solution for

Hexagonal clouds used to explain Bermuda mystery.

But the essence is . there is no mystery. There are no unexplainable aircraft or shipwreck incidents in this area, except for the baseless rumors. Even the so-called Bermuda triangle should not exist.

Picture 2 of The real solution for

Bermuda Triangle.

The name Bermuda Triangle is used to refer to the waters between Florida, Bermuda and Puerto Rico. It first appeared in the 1950s in an article published in the Associated Press by Edward Van Winkle Jones. The article mentions the missing stories of a large number of boats and aircraft passing through this sea, and quickly spreads to the public.

The Bermuda Triangle even became a dreadful name in 1970, after Charles Berlitz published the hugely popular book "The Bermuda Triangle". People began to believe that there were hands of UFOs (unidentified flying objects), or dangerous waves of strong frequency in this area.

Picture 3 of The real solution for

Many people believed that there was a hand of spiritual power in this area.

However here is a problem! It is important to know that in the middle of the 20th century, there was a trend of writing fiction that appeared in the midst of Western press, but it was published as a matter of fact, and no one bothered to verify it. Then after the journalist Larry Kusche spent a few years checking it out, the truth is there is no mystery here.

All " mysterious disappearance" cases that people are rumored to have either reported incorrectly, or were imagined by writers. Later, Benjamin Radford also once recalled on Live Science in 2012:

"Many cases of boats and aircraft are thought to be missing in the demon triangle but there is no documented record; They do not even exist, except in the writer's fantasy story. In some cases Yes, but Berlitz and the others seem to "forget" not to mention that they disappeared when there was a big storm. And most of them sunk away from the triangle but still got dragged in. "

Radford also commented that there are some really mysterious disappearances. However, it is important to know that the Bermuda triangle, which is located near the equator, is in the richest and richest area in the world, the United States. Therefore, the traffic density passing through here is relatively large. So if in terms of proportion, those missing cases are completely similar to any other area in the world.

Picture 4 of The real solution for

People psychology is like that, they always like things that are submerged in mystery rather than exposing it.

Return to journalist Larry Kussche. After examining the mysterious benefits of the Bermuda triangle, he also published the mysterious decoding of "The Bermuda Triangle Mystery - Solved" in 1975. But the psychology of people is like that, they always like everything sinking in the secret. hidden, rather than exposing it, and then discovering everything you believed in before is meaningless.

So the mystery of the Bermuda triangle persists over the years, and we see every few years a piece of information that has spread to the most fictional . worldly area.

Update 18 December 2018



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