The real story of the monk revived the dead body

The phenomenon of resurrected dead is a mysterious phenomenon explained by scientists but for superstitious people, they believe that the bobcat (black cat) can revive the dead. When a new person dies, but unfortunately a bobcat jumps over his belly, the dead man sits up. So is that true, and how does science explain this mysterious phenomenon?

The phenomenon of resurrected dead is a mysterious phenomenon explained by scientists but for superstitious people, they believe that the bobcat (black cat) can revive the dead. When a new person dies, but unfortunately a bobcat jumps over his belly, the dead man sits up. So is that true, and how does science explain this mysterious phenomenon?

Noise stimulates the brain to work again

Mr. Vu Quoc Trung, director of Son Ha Medical Center, said that there is no scientific document to recognize or acknowledge the story of resurrecting the dead, or "evil spirits", "death coincide" . It is just a word of mouth, a story then embellished for a thrilling nature.

No one knows exactly where those things happened, what the dead people are. But in fact, many people die clinically, resurrected, a few more days or a few dozen years. It is Mr. Trung's family members who have died five times.

The cause of this problem is that the person has not died completely, and has just died clinically. This means that the brain is still active, the heart is beating, the lungs are breathing but all are at very low intensity. Therefore, not measuring blood pressure, not catching the pulse, not shaking the piece of paper in the nose, but the brain is still alive.

Picture 1 of The real story of the monk revived the dead body

Currently, many people "die" due to a sudden, cardiovascular accident, actually in a clinical stage, after being given injections of Adrian blood was provided and regained.

When there is a cause like the temperature in the room increases, due to a strong noise (probably the sound of a cat crying or jumping over), due to the strong shaking of the offspring stimulating the brain to work again to make the nervous system reproduce active, then, the brain stimulates the adrenal glands, releases adrenal blood to the heart and helps the organs to function again.

Impact of biological fields

According to folk conception: This animal contains strong positive gas, lacking in negative air. When people die, their positive air disappears, so when the gas is heard, the cat comes.

Prof. Dr. Doan Xuan Muy, former director of the Vaccine Institute, author of the book "Science and spiritual issues" said that each human body is activated, activated, nourished by energy. In addition to this energy source, the microscopic bodies need another source of energy, which is the cosmic energy that enters the body through the chakras, natural holes . and turns into bioenergy ( biology school).

Biological fields are secondary energy, according to channels leading to the nervous system, endocrine system, blood, blood vessels and other organs for the body . So, if people learn to control bioenergy Learning in your body, healing is easy.

Picture 2 of The real story of the monk revived the dead body

In the case of a "spiritual catapult that revolves the dead" , it can be explained by the biological interplay of humans and animals. Tiger cats have a strong mental power, but not every one is the same, the cat is positively charged (+) (positive). When the dead person will carry a negative charge (-) (negative). Therefore, when a cat jumps over a dead person, it will create a very strong electric current, which will cause the dead to wake up and can cause the dead to live a little longer from a few minutes and possibly up to a day.

However, this problem has not been proved by science, it is still a guess, but the fact that "dead" people resurrected and lived for a long time had a proven reality.

Along with this view, MA Vu Duc Huynh, author of more than a dozen Eastern spiritual and ancient books, affirmed that this is just a rumor. However, when people die, people still have an electric field (negative), so if anything strong impacted positive electric field (possibly cat) will pull up - similar to the case of electric shock in a hospital - a little but not alive.

Revival of corpses?

Scientific researchers all affirmed that it is a rumor but the story of the resurrected dead can be explained. For example, the case of Mrs. Nguyen Thi Di (67 years old, in Dong Thanh commune, Hoc Mon district, HCMC) died in the river. Her body was pulled to shore at 11:00 pm, determined to be dead but after Mr. Nguyen Van Nhien (neighbor) made CPR, Ms. Di started to stir and open her eyes. She was taken to Hoc Mon Hospital and 115 Hospital. After two days of treatment she could eat and drink by herself.

Picture 3 of The real story of the monk revived the dead body
Mrs. Nguyen Thi Dí with the phenomenon of death revived thrilling.(Photo Zing)

Mr. Nguyen Van Hung (born in 1973, living in Ward 2, Tan An City, Long An Province) was diagnosed with a late stage gallbladder cancer by the hospital. He died at home at 17:00 on June 14, 2010. Everyone finished the procedures, covered the blanket and waited for it to shine. At 23 o'clock, suddenly saw the blanket touched, Hung coughed hard, dropping the bananas to the ground. Then he lived for another month to die.

In the case of Mrs. Tran Thi Ban (83 years old, village 2, Xuan Lam commune, Nghi Xuan district, Ha Tinh province), she died when she was 40 years old, the corpse was put on a mat, waiting for the morning to be buried. Late at night she came back to life and then lived normally with her daughter in the village of 2 to 83 years old.

Explaining this, Prof. Dr. Doan Xuan Mua said that medicine distinguishes two types of "dead" are: Clinical death and creature death. Clinical death is when the patient has stopped breathing, the heart stops beating but the brain is not dead, the nerve root and the brain are still active, the instinct to resist death is still there.

With active resuscitation and patient resuscitation techniques, respiratory recovery and cardiac activity can be performed. Organism's death is in addition to the cardiopulmonary cessation, the root nerve also stops working. The brain has died to the point of saving lives. Thus, death is considered true only when the brain is completely inactive.

Recently, science has shown that in the body the types of cells are able to sustain life for different periods of time after the body has been identified as dead. Brain cells are very sensitive to lack of oxygen, so after 5 to 10 minutes of apnea, neurons are disordered and die. That's in theory but in reality many cases of drowning victims are saved after half an hour, even 1-2 hours, why?

The latest research shows that nerve cells in the brain (Medulla oblongala) are able to withstand much longer oxygen deprivation than neurons located in other areas of the brain. .

Japanese scientists have implanted electrodes in the human skull, determined by the usual method of death. The results showed that brain waves emitted very far distances.

Update 18 December 2018



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