The source of fear

The feeling of fear happens very often in people, but where does the source of fear come from?That's what scientists have spent many years researching on brain activity to find answers.

Recent research by Dr. Adam Perkins - a neuroscience scientist at Maudsley Hospital in London - UK has conducted many tests of relevance when there is a sense of fear with brain activity by how to combine MRI magnetic resonance scans in the brain region is defined as a place to control people's anxiety, emotions, and mood.

Detect the brain area to create fear

After 9 months of conducting research on a group of volunteers, in particular, Dr. Perkins also took part in the experiment himself, Perkins's team came to a conclusion: there is a brain area in the brain that is considered to be the center of anxiety and fear . This brain region is located right in the central brain region - hippocampus, inside the temporal lobe and is the brain region that is involved in human ability to control memory and cognitive abilities. Tracking on the magnetic resonance scans results screen shows that: whenever a sense of fear arises, the hippocampus central brain area is active and the visual expression is the glowing areas like a horde. firework.

Usually, when feeling of anxiety, fear arises, people tend to become "stiff" in their bodies. It is also the phenomenon that occurs when we face difficult tasks. Science calls this phenomenon behavioural inhibition by a region of the brain that controls. This explains why some people become stunned when they are afraid or when faced with an existing danger, while others still have the ability to remain calm. face with threats and handle it.

Picture 1 of The source of fear
The feeling of fear originates from the brain.

Anxiety, fear is an extremely complex and very confusing phenomenon. To this day, we still think that the feeling of anxiety appears as an inevitable manifestation, a natural state of the body, but the truth is that only when active activity occurs in the area of ​​the brain that controls the state This attitude, fearful fear takes place. This also means that just by artificially causing the brain area to control anxiety, it can also cause a person to become anxious. Conversely, if you want to end a person's fear, simply act to inhibit the activity in that brain region.

In his experiment, TS. Perkins has demanded that the test participants fall into a state of anxiety and fear in real-life situations. Simultaneously with this state, the active fMRI magnetic resonance scanner records not only the brain's structure, but also the reactions of the brain and nerve cells in the brain.

Interesting findings about anxiety state

Research by TS. Perkins not only clarifies the source of the patient's anxiety and fear, but also brings a new, interesting discovery. that right-handed people tend to become more anxious and fearful than left-handed people; Women tend to appear more fearful and more serious than men. According to Dr. Perkins, women are susceptible to anxiety, fear by threats not only physically but also by other obsessions or fantasies, such as: fear of the crowd, fear of adventure, fear of the ball dark . In addition, men who have a bohemian lifestyle are often those with the least fear of fear. And according to the results of a social survey, older people tend to be less affected by anxiety and fear than young people.

And one more special thing is: contrary to the thinking of many people that feeling of fear, anxiety is not good for health , research results of TS. Perkins again shows: a little fear sometimes is very good. This state makes people become more cautious when making decisions , reducing haste, haste, which causes work failures. An experiment with thrilling games has been conducted. Players with careful psychological precautions always get higher scores than other players. In life, this is the same, those who are reckless, adventurous in other words, those who are fearless sometimes do more damage.

Picture 2 of The source of fear
The active image of the brain region controls fear
humans are recorded by magnetic resonance scanner .

Open the application

The results of this study by scientists help open new directions and new applications in the future. Practical experiments have yielded answers to one of the problems that have puzzled scientists for years about the origin and nature of fear, as well as the relationship of sensory states. This is with the activity of the human brain.

And if the results from brain scans can be analyzed and clarified, combined with the data obtained directly from asking questions for study participants, scientists can Each person's level of fear can be determined. This opens up the hope of developing new therapies or drugs that help treat neurological crisis and stress caused by fear and anxiety.

Fear or fear is a negative emotion that comes from perceiving threats. This is a fundamental survival mechanism that occurs in response to a specific stimulus, such as a threat or threat of danger. In short, fear is the ability to recognize danger and run away from it or fight against it.

How to overcome fear

  1. Whatever your fear is, learn to acknowledge, face and master the fear so that nothing can stop your step in life.
  2. Consider meeting a counselor if fear begins to invade your life. A trained professional can help you find the cause of fear and offer solutions.
  3. Use your imagination to keep calm, not to scare yourself.
  4. Do not let motivation decline. You need a certain motivation to cope with fear. If you are discouraged, it is very easy to decide to give up. Be assertive and persistent even if it seems impossible.
  5. Never do anything too dangerous for the purpose of facing fear. Make sure you are safe in the face of fear.