These are 5 prehistoric monsters that deserve to be filmed like Megalodon

Megalodon is one of the most impressive monsters that ever existed on Earth. It's big, mysterious, and in some way ... beautiful.

In ancient times, Earth did not lack the cult monsters that raged across the oceans. It is not natural that creation must let them disappear.

Megalodon is one of the most impressive monsters that ever existed on Earth. It's big, mysterious, and in some way . beautiful.

But in that ancient time, it was not the only monster. Further, in the era of dinosaurs, the ocean was filled with extremely horrifying monsters, fully meeting the criteria to be the main actor in a horror movie like the super shark.

1. - cold-blooded dolphin

Picture 1 of These are 5 prehistoric monsters that deserve to be filmed like Megalodon

Called cold-blooded because ichthyosaurs, despite their dolphin-like appearance, are essentially reptiles. This is an animal named "ocean killer" in the period of 200 million years ago (belonging to Dai Trung Sinh period).

Ichthyosaurs has extremely advanced evolutionary traits for hunting. They can move in water at high speeds, large bodies reach a length of over 15m.

2. - monsters with crocodile jaws

Picture 2 of These are 5 prehistoric monsters that deserve to be filmed like Megalodon

Pliosaurus is also another group of marine reptiles living in the Middle Age. They have brains at the same rate as white sharks today, but their bodies are three times larger (about 15m).

And in particular, pliosaurus also possesses the jaws of a crocodile. But for those who do not know, alligator jaws are one of the jaws that are capable of launching the most powerful bites.

3. (or Mosasaurus)

Picture 3 of These are 5 prehistoric monsters that deserve to be filmed like Megalodon

Do Jurassic World fans recognize this guy?

With such a pose, this guy should definitely have a role in a certain movie. For a better description, Mosasaur (or Mosasaurus) is a giant predator, and one of the largest and most ancient marine reptiles.

4. Xiphactinus - Giant fish with jaws of bulldog

Picture 4 of These are 5 prehistoric monsters that deserve to be filmed like Megalodon

This is truly a fish. They are xiphactinus - or fish X - a fish with a jaw of bulldog, lived in the late Cretaceous.

Although not as large as the giant reptile brothers, each xiphactinus must be as long as 6 meters - almost the same as today's white sharks.

But they are even more frightening than white sharks, because the elongated body allows them to hunt with extremely terrible speeds.

5. - the first whale

Picture 5 of These are 5 prehistoric monsters that deserve to be filmed like Megalodon

Basilosaurus was dubbed the "reptile king", and they lived in the Eocene world 40 million years ago.

But know what, this is actually the early whales - meaning they are animals, not reptiles.

15-18m long, the set containing teeth that can crush bones, plus the intelligence of a mammal, Basilosaurus has always been one of the most terrible predators in history.

Update 17 December 2018



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