Things to keep in mind when using contact lenses

In fact, wearing contact lenses is quite a lot of people choose for aesthetic and handy reasons.

In fact, wearing contact lenses is quite a lot of people choose for aesthetic and handy reasons. In addition to these advantages, contact lenses increase the risk of eye infections, threatening eyesight if not used properly.

Need to be examined before use

All people who want to use contact lenses without contraindications, make sure that the principles of essential eye care can use contact lenses. But patients with refractive errors who want to wear contact lenses need to be examined by a doctor to make sure there are no inflammatory diseases that are progressing in the eye, without drying their eyes. Users will be consulted to consult, choose the right glasses for their eyes. In addition, contact lens wearers need to know the correct instructions on the assembly process, how to keep eye hygiene, glass preservation, periodic examination and routine eye examination, some unusual symptoms for self-monitoring. .

Picture 1 of Things to keep in mind when using contact lenses

Using contact lenses should follow the instructions to avoid the risk.

Not everyone is suitable for wearing contact lenses, even without glasses. They can cause eye irritation, especially for those who have frequent eye infections. Furthermore, contact lenses are used to place the eyeglasses directly into the pupil in the eye, so it is easy to get infected if the hands of the operator are not cleaned. In addition, it is important to take care when removing the glasses, as there is a risk of scratching the inside of the eye. The most common manifestation of eye irritation with contact lenses is lacrimation, redness in the eyes and impaired vision. In fact, there have been many cases of patients with eye damage due to wearing contact lenses, in which most patients are women. These cases are usually people who buy contact lenses themselves without consulting a doctor, wearing glasses of unknown origin and using improper procedures.

Principles to remember

  • Do not wear contact lenses beyond the expiry date : Contact lenses and solutions for cleaning glasses also have shelf life. After this time, the glass will lose its ability to protect itself, impurities can stick to the glass and the solution will be infected. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly check the use before use and replace the glass after every 3 - 6 months of use.
  • Do not use when eye pain : When the eyes have pathological signs such as swelling, redness, tearing, stop using contact lenses immediately. Also check the glass carefully, as this may also be the cause of eye diseases. Especially if the glass is torn, or scratched, it must be removed immediately. If you try to wear it, your cornea will be damaged, which can cause permanent blindness.
  • Do not reuse old soaked glass solution : Eyes are extremely sensitive parts, so contact lenses must also be absolutely clean. We often have the habit of reusing old soaked glass solution. However, this is a mistake, because once the glass is removed from the solution, the solution will be contaminated by the hand or the glass grab. So if soaking again, it will cause the glass to become infected, causing eye irritation. Another note is to use only specialized solutions to soak glass.

Picture 2 of Things to keep in mind when using contact lenses

Patients with refractive errors who want to wear contact lenses should be examined by a doctor to make sure there are no eye infections.

Advice to physicians

When using contact lenses, the most important thing is to keep the hygiene, clean your hands before installing and removing the glasses. Replace glasses periodically according to the time allowed for use. In addition, attention should also be paid to the following issues: in the first time using contact lenses, the eyes will find it difficult to adapt, so it takes time to familiarize the eyes with strange objects. At that time, retaining the old glasses in case of eye problems with contact lenses is necessary. Before going to bed or after 8-10 hours using contact lenses, remove the glasses and soak them into the preservative solution according to the manufacturer's instructions. Do not wear overnight with those worn only during the day. Every time you wear the glasses again, put 1 artificial tear to avoid drying the cornea of ​​the eye and protect the corneal epithelium .

If you feel that your eyes have a burning sensation, a rash, a burning sensation, and a redness, you must remove the glasses immediately from your eyes and go to the doctor because your eyes may not be able to adapt to the glass preservative solution. Absolutely not arbitrarily use eye drops without the appointment of a specialist. When wearing contact lenses, the glasses should be removed when going to sleep, even nap, should not be worn when swimming or close contact with gas stove, fire, heat source . Because these agents will make lenses re, causing eye damage.

Update 15 December 2018



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