Turn off the light to get a good night's sleep
If there are stimuli such as a TV or a desk lamp on while sleeping, such sleeps can easily depress people , a new work by German scientists published in Nature. said.
In their experiments, scientists divided rats into two groups. A group sleeps in a light and a group sleeps in the dark. Group 1 mice have unusual and special behaviors, they refuse sweet foods.
Turn off the lights before going to bed to have a good night's sleep.
Subsequent studies show that under the bright light, the part of the brain responsible for receiving satisfaction is greatly reduced.
To check the data collected, people interviewed people who were sleeping when they turned on the TV, they complained that sleeplessness, sleepy sleep and uneasy mind.
Scientists explain that the radiation from the screen passes through the eyes, inhibiting melatonin - the hormone that makes people sleep and also has antioxidant, anti-stress and immune stimulating effects. According to scientists, clinical findings and observations suggest that epifriz and its hormone melatonin enter the systems that protect the body from harmful effects.
Using personal electronic devices such as cell phones, computers, music players before going to sleep, according to scientists is a very harmful habit. They stimulate the brain even more strongly than receiving passive information from the TV screen. And of course, the impact on the brain is even more severe.
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