Two arches and pyramids on Mars

The circular structure is located near the triangular object in NASA's Mars satellite image that is very similar to the dome and pyramid.

The circular structure is located near the triangular object in NASA's Mars satellite image that is very similar to the dome and pyramid.

ArtAlienTV, the YouTube channel, publishes information about UFOs, sharing videos that record structures on the Martian surface in satellite images of the US Aerospace Agency (NASA) on July 3, according to Long Room.

This channel confirms that the dome in the image looks very much like an artificial object and the images are not yet edited."We found a 15-meter-diameter dome at a Martian crater with large pipes running out from the left. We also found a pyramid-shaped triangular structure nearly 37 meters wide at about 152m away. ", ArtAlienTV channel editor, said.

Picture 1 of Two arches and pyramids on Mars

These structures are located between the Mawrth Vallis area and Oyama crater.

According to ArtAlienTV, these structures lie between Mawrth Vallis area and Oyama crater. However, the theory of dome and pyramid is not convincing for many people.

"They tried very hard to find a dome and a pyramid that is relatively close together on Mars. We are all intrigued by the idea of ​​aliens building structures on Mars and The Earth thousands of years ago, even though they are still living on the red planet, are quite reasonable fantasies, but new evidence is not convincing enough , " Nigel Watson, expert in UFO cases , said.

According to NASA, all detection of strange objects through the Mars image of the probe is only a result of pareidolia hallucinations . This phenomenon makes people tend to imagine familiar images from unrelated objects.

The dome-like circular object in the NASA satellite image.(Video: YouTube).

Update 17 December 2018



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