Unsolved UFO mysteries in the world

The world once recorded many instances of detecting unidentified flying objects (UFOs) that made experts headache to find ways to explain.

Despite years of research, scientists have not been able to give an accurate answer to some of the UFO cases in the world.

The world once recorded many cases of discoveries that led experts to find ways to explain. The Pentagon also admitted to spending $ 22 million for a secret UFO investigation program during 2007–2012.

The results of the investigation of most UFOs indicate that they are just ordinary objects such as aerial shadows or rockets, according to Live Science. However, there are some cases where scientists have spent many years studying still not able to find the correct answer.

Picture 1 of Unsolved UFO mysteries in the world

The US used to sponsor tens of millions of dollars for a UFO investigation program.(Photo: Financial Express) .


In 2004, two F / A-18 fighters encountered a mysterious flying object off the coast of San Diego, the Pacific Ocean. Objects move at very high speeds, have surrounding halos and alternate while flying.

One of the two pilots, David Fravor, described flying objects about the size of his aircraft but had no wings and looked like an oblong chewing gum."When I get closer, it accelerates and disappears. Faster than anything I've ever seen in my life," Fravor recounted.

French farmers discovered UFOs

In 1981, a farmer in Trans-en-Provence, France, called the police after hearing a strange sound and spotted a flying saucer nearby. The lead-colored flying saucer almost took off immediately, the man said.

Police quickly took samples of trees and soil in the place where the incident occurred. Experts from UFO GEPAN investigating agency said that there are traces of chemistry showing that they are heated and crushed by a heavy object.

However, some believe that trees are crushed by wheels rolling over. In addition, this person lives near a military base, so maybe the military is testing a flying device.

Picture 2 of Unsolved UFO mysteries in the world

A French farmer saw a strange flying object in 1981. (Photo: Artlark).

Former astronaut finds orange fireball

In 2013, a retired astronaut and his family saw an orange fireball-like object glowing and moving quickly in the night sky in Athens, Texas, USA.

After a few minutes, three similar objects appeared and moved in the same direction. Three more minutes passed, with two more objects flying in the same direction. They all made no sound.

"They move much faster than satellites or orbiting planes, but are slower than meteorites and don't change the brightness like meteors when entering the atmosphere. I cannot give an explanation. Whichever we see , " he said.

Spotlight on

A pilot discovered blue spots on Shasta, a volcano in California, while flying between Los Angeles, California, and Portland, Oregon. They look brighter than normal stars.

"Two light spots are separated by more than two centimeters when viewed through the windshield and are about the same size as normal stars. One of the" stars "starts to darken in about 10 seconds, the remaining" star "also completely dark with the same time , " the pilot described.

These light spots hold a very stable position so they cannot be satellites or meteors crashing into the Earth. They appear to move at a much higher altitude than the aircraft at that time, ie over 11,580m.

Update 18 December 2018



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