Video: Giant squid attacked submarine

A large squid constantly throws itself and spits out black ink to threaten in the face of submarine exploration under the ocean.

A large squid constantly throws itself and spits out black ink to threaten in the face of submarine exploration under the ocean.

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According to News, the video back to the exciting scene shared by Green Peace environment yesterday.

Picture 1 of Video: Giant squid attacked submarine

In the video, the squid throws itself forward and whips the tentacles into the submarine body of Green Peace. The crew was surprised to see the action and tried to illuminate the lamp to make the animal scared and away.

However, the squid became more aggressive and spewed out black ink in response. Soon, it swam away and did not cause any damage to the submarine.

The incident occurred in the Bering Strait, between Russia and the US state of Alaska.

Update 15 December 2018



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