Video: Stingy fish pulls into a large flock for food

The sight of the stingrays crowded together to scavenge Mike Pinzone, who managed the jetty, recorded at Pensacola Beach, Florida, USA, USA Today on November 7 reported.

Stingrays gathered into herds and moved along the pier at Pensacola Beach to find bait.

Picture 1 of Video: Stingy fish pulls into a large flock for food

The stingrays are crowded together to feed.

The sight of the stingrays crowded together to scavenge Mike Pinzone, who managed the jetty, recorded at Pensacola Beach, Florida, USA, USA Today on November 7 reported. Pinzone said, I only see such stingrays that once a year, always in October or November.

"There are lots of minnows and fish coming here to feed at this time of year. Many other animals also come, and the rays come to eat them , " Pinzone said. Stingrays swim along the bridge along the board, sometimes rushing to find prey.

Stingrays are common in tropical and subtropical waters. The flattened body makes it easy for them to hide in their surroundings. Most stingrays have one or more sharp spines in the tail that are very effective for self defense.

Update 15 December 2018



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