Video: Stunned with a tree with fruit ... naked girl

This species, called Nareepol, is also known by other names as Women.

This species, called Nareepol, is also known by other names as Women.

Nareepol tree - a grass-like tree that looks like a naked girl

Picture 1 of Video: Stunned with a tree with fruit ... naked girl

Nareepol plants have fruit shaped like a woman.

The name Nareepol comes from Thailand. Naree means 'woman ', while the word pol means 'tree' . The tree is said to be sacred and is unique in Himmapan forest, Petchaboon province, Thailand.

The appearance of the fruit is like a naked woman. Many people said that if men touch trees, trees will vibrate. On the contrary, women do not have anything to touch.

Many experts believe that this is just an artificial product, because the inside of the fruit has a frame structure.

Update 15 December 2018



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