Video: Watching 'stars' collide on the seabed

The starfish in the video of photographer Karin Brussaard keeps hitting each other with humor. Starfish are known to be one of the most common creatures at the bottom of the sea, and it is difficult to observe their movements.

The starfish in the video of photographer Karin Brussaard keeps hitting each other with humor.

Starfish are known to be one of the most common creatures at the bottom of the sea, and it is difficult to observe their movements.

Underwater photographer Karin Brussaard, the Netherlands, put together the photos she took during the two and a half hours of diving in Philippine waters to turn into a clip.

'The video was funny and I didn't know that they were so touching. It was great to see these starfish 'rushing' into each other '.

Update 15 December 2018



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