Vietnamese science separates precious substances from lotus leaves and green beans to help reduce blood cholesterol

The precious active ingredients in lotus leaf and green bean pods are separated and determine the mixing ratio to create a treatment for disease treatment.

Lipid disorders, hypercholesterolemia, also known as steatosis, are defined as changes in one or more blood components such as cholesterol, triglycerides .

This change leads to an imbalance in metabolism that causes lipid exchange disorders, from which atherosclerosis forms in the walls of blood vessels, causing narrowing of the vein, leading to hypertension, ischemic heart disease, and lack of blood brain. The disease can be severe, plaque filling the brain vessels, causing a stroke or heart attack, which can lead to disability or death.

Scientists have sought to inhibit enzyme activity that triggers the formation of endogenous cholesterol and increases blood cholesterol by eliminating HMG-Coenzyme A (3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl Coenzyme A reductase).

Picture 1 of Vietnamese science separates precious substances from lotus leaves and green beans to help reduce blood cholesterol
Pink lotus and green beans are plants that are abundant in nature.

Flavonoids are found by the team of the Institute of Chemistry, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology in pink lotus leaves and green bean pods that have a very good inhibitory effect on enzymes.

However, in lotus leaves, alcaloids are often highly toxic, scientists have studied methods to eliminate these toxicity. The active ingredient contains flavonoite, which is enriched to extract.

With green pea pods, there are also many flavonoids , and the team has developed a process for creating this valuable extract.

After extraction, the experiments evaluating the ability to inhibit HMG-CoenzymA reductase as well as the mixing ratio between two substances from lotus leaf and green bean shell were also made to create VN-CHOLES preparations . Through the evaluation results, the research team has determined the appropriate mixing ratio.

VN-CHOLES preparations have been used on white mice by inducing endogenous hyperlipidemia on white mice and using preparations to test enzyme inhibitory ability.

The results showed that VN-CHOLES composition reduced LDL-c index to 21.09% compared to control group. The product is rated non-toxic.

From the experimental samples, the team has now developed a basic standard to be able to produce VN-CHOLES preparations. The results are now accepted by the scientific council.

Flavonoids are usually found in parts of higher plants, especially in lotus leaves and flowers.

Flavonoid is a protective agent, anti-oxidant, preserves ascorbic acid in cells, prevents some harmful agents for plants (bacteria, viruses, insects, .). Some have inhibitory effects on enzymes and plant toxins.

In medicine, Flavonoid enhances the durability of blood vessel walls like rutin. Some work for some types of cancer. In addition, Flavonoid also has other effects such as anti-allergy, anticonvulsant, analgesic, blockage, bronchial obstruction, choleretic, fungicidal, .

In steatosis, there are 4 important indicators that should be considered:

Picture 2 of Vietnamese science separates precious substances from lotus leaves and green beans to help reduce blood cholesterol