Foods that help lower blood cholesterol

Most people are concerned that eating lots of protein-rich foods increases cholesterol. However, not all foods that are high in protein are high in cholesterol. The CBS news agency has listed some of these foods below.

1. Wine

Picture 1 of Foods that help lower blood cholesterol

Scientists think that alcohol with low alcohol content such as red wine helps make HDL cholesterol - a good cholesterol for the body. In addition, grape wine is also rich in antioxidants that increase the body's resistance. However, the American Heart Association recommends that you drink only 2 grapes (for men) and 1 glass (for women) every day.

2. Green beans

Picture 2 of Foods that help lower blood cholesterol

For light meals, you should not eat fatty foods like saturated cheese and pastries because these foods will increase blood cholesterol levels. Instead, eat foods like boiled green beans. This food is rich in protein and has a very low saturated fat content.

3. Popcorn

Picture 3 of Foods that help lower blood cholesterol

Popcorn is considered to be a high-saturated fat-rich food with a high quality, very good for health. In addition, popcorn is also a very energetic dish.

4. Walnuts

Picture 4 of Foods that help lower blood cholesterol

According to scientific studies, walnuts contain many healthy ingredients like omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants and phytosterols. These substances increase the amount of beneficial HDL cholesterol and reduce the amount of bad cholesterol.

5. Vinegar and lemon juice

Picture 5 of Foods that help lower blood cholesterol

Vinegar or lemon juice is an indispensable additive in salads. A recent study also found that fruit vinegar may increase HDL cholesterol. In addition, vinegar also works to reduce blood sugar and accelerate the burning of body fat.

6. Vegetable butter

Picture 6 of Foods that help lower blood cholesterol

A spoonful of animal butter contains more than 7 grams of saturated fat - more than a third of our body's needs. This saturated fat builds up over a long period of time will increase harmful cholesterol in our blood. To avoid this risk, you should use alternative margarine such as olive oil and other vegetable oils.

7. Chicken

Picture 7 of Foods that help lower blood cholesterol

Red types such as beef, pork, . contain very high saturated fat content. Meanwhile, white meats like chicken and fish only contain less saturated fat than beef. White meats can also be processed into different dishes depending on the taste of each person.

8. Seafood

Picture 8 of Foods that help lower blood cholesterol

Seafoods such as salmon, oysters, crabs, etc. are rich in omega-3 fatty acids that are good for health, especially those with cardiovascular disease and high blood pressure. In addition, these types of seafood contain almost no saturated fat.

9. Matches

Picture 9 of Foods that help lower blood cholesterol

This is a popular food used to replace rice in African countries. Bran contains 15% less carbohydrate than rice and has a higher protein content of 60%, 25% higher fiber than brown rice, reducing blood cholesterol.

10. Non-fat yogurt

Picture 10 of Foods that help lower blood cholesterol

This is one of the best foods for our health because they have almost no saturated fat and this food contains probiotics that are good for the digestive system as well as some antioxidants. chemical.