Vitamin E may reduce the risk of liver cancer

According to a recent study published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, if the body is absorbed in Vitamin E, it can reduce the risk of liver cancer.

According to a recent study published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, if the body is absorbed in Vitamin E, it can reduce the risk of liver cancer.

Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin, considered an antioxidant, and many experimental studies have suggested that vitamin E can prevent DNA damage.

Picture 1 of Vitamin E may reduce the risk of liver cancer

Currently, liver cancer is the third leading cause of cancer in the world , the fifth most common cancer in men and seventh in women. At the same time, up to 85% of liver cancers occur in developing countries.

To determine the relationship between vitamin E levels and the risk of liver cancer, researchers from Shanghai Jiaotong University analyzed data from a total of 132,837 individuals in China, who are enrolled. into the Shanghai Women's Health Research (SWHS) from 1997-2000 and Shanghai Men's Health Research (SMHS) from 2002-2006.

The researchers used questions in the form of frequency to collect data on participants' eating habits. They were asked about the level of consumption of some common foods in Shanghai metropolis, including cases of vitamin supplements.

The researchers then compared the risk of liver cancer among those with large amounts of vitamin E in those with low levels and found that the relationship between vitamin E dosage and the risk of liver cancer in the body has been contradict each other. Therefore, scientists believe that Vitamin E works to reduce the risk of liver cancer in the human body.

Update 14 December 2018



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