We will be millions of years away,

High body, big eyes, long legs, healthy brown skin ... is a characteristic of people millions of years from now.

High body, big eyes, long legs, healthy brown skin . is a characteristic of people millions of years from now.

The truth is, people continue to evolve, despite whether you realize it or not?

But after millions of years, how will we be? Check out the portraits that scientists described!

1. Height

Picture 1 of We will be millions of years away,

For more than 200 years, with diet and food quality, the average height of people living in developed countries has increased by 10cm.

Based on this ratio, experts predict that the height of people in the world will increase to 2m, and may not stop there.

2. Skin

Picture 2 of We will be millions of years away,

Our skin will gradually darken, white skin peels will become "rarely difficult to find".

The reason is because UV rays in the sun are getting stronger. The skin will be darker to protect against UV rays, protecting the body.

3. Body shape

Picture 3 of We will be millions of years away,

Thanks to the advent of machines and robots, people gradually become "relaxed". Physical strength will not matter much, because of that the muscles will be lessened.

Even technology becomes an integral part of the body, people will be "robotized" with the kind of utility chips that are implanted.

4. Chest

The amount of oxygen on Earth decreases, which means that people need larger lungs to breathe more air and this will make the chest "expand" more.

5. Hands

Picture 4 of We will be millions of years away,

The use of different types of keyboards and sensors will make the arms and fingers smaller and smaller.

6. Toes

The ancient ancestors used their toes to assist in climbing. But when not climbing trees anymore, the toes shorten significantly, only short as today.

In the future, maybe the toes will also decrease, maybe only 4 fingers instead of 5 fingers.

7. Feet

Picture 5 of We will be millions of years away,

To suit the sedentary lifestyle, the body will gradually change - in particular, the legs will be longer but not as strong as before. The bone part (auxiliary bone next to the copper tube) will disappear.

The reason why this bone disappeared is because in ancient times, our ancestors climbed, the bones needed to help rotate the legs easily. But today, they are no longer so effective, sometimes it is quite annoying, making you more dislocated.

8. The first part

Picture 6 of We will be millions of years away,

It is difficult for experts to predict the future of a larger or smaller human head. There is a theory that our brain will be smaller, while the skull and head are also small. But this does not mean that human intelligence diminishes. This evolution helps the brain work more easily and quickly.

Besides, there is a theory that the first part of the human being will be bigger because the caesarean birth rate is getting higher and higher. Therefore, babies with larger heads will appear more often.

9. Teeth

According to experts, our mouths will be smaller and smaller in millions of years. Because the food on day 1 is softer, the number of teeth and size will also decrease.

10. Digestive parts

Picture 7 of We will be millions of years away,

Because eating habits are healthy, beneficial for the digestive system, the length of the intestine will also decrease, no longer as long as it is now.

11. Eyes

Picture 8 of We will be millions of years away,

Because the mouth is small, the eyes tend to "big" out to compensate.

12. Hair and hair

Picture 9 of We will be millions of years away,

According to experts, warmer air will cause hair and hair to gradually lose its effect, which will become faint, and even disappear completely.

Update 18 December 2018



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