What blood tests can you know about?

Blood tests often work in the morning, patients need to fast and limit the intake of soft drinks, fruits ... and blood tests help detect diabetes, cardiovascular disease, hepatitis B ...

Blood tests are usually done in the morning, patients need to fast and limit the intake of soft drinks, fruits . and blood tests help detect diabetes, cardiovascular disease, hepatitis B . In addition, consider Blood tests also help us know what diseases or risks? Please refer to the following article to know what you need to know about blood tests.

Does blood test need fasting?

For blood tests: the time of blood sampling is best in the morning . Fasting, not drinking fresh water, milk, fruit juice, alcohol, tea, coffee, within 12 hours before taking blood tests. The biochemical indicators of tests done incorrectly at the time, after eating or after taking stimulants will give inaccurate results.

Not only fasting, testers also need to avoid using stimulants (cigarettes, coffee .) a few hours before taking blood to get accurate diagnosis results. However, not all blood tests need to be fasted. Only some diseases that require blood glucose testing should be fasted when testing: diseases related to sugar and fat (diabetes), cardiovascular disease (cholesterol, triglyceride, HDL, LDL .), liver disease. The remaining tests for other diseases (about 300 tests) such as HIV, kidney failure, hyperthyroidism, Alzheimer's (dementia in the elderly) . do not need to be hungry.

What do blood tests know?

There are many diseases that can be detected through blood tests. Normally, during the periodic health examination, the examiner will be given the following blood tests:

  • Blood count test : Indicates the number of red blood cells, white blood cells and other blood cells, through which to know whether an examiner has anemia or some blood disease.
  • Blood sugar test : detection of diabetes.
  • Blood cholesterol test : includes cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood, thereby assessing the risk of cardiovascular disease.
  • Hepatitis B test : detection of hepatitis B.
  • HIV testing : detection of HIV infection.
  • In addition, depending on the examination package, there may be other blood tests. With urine tests during routine health exams usually include:
  • Total urine analysis : thereby, can detect kidney disease, urinary tract and some systemic diseases like diabetes.

Some other tests depend on the package, such as a drug test in the urine.

Picture 1 of What blood tests can you know about?

For blood tests: the time of blood sampling is best in the morning.

Thus, the blood test for health examination can detect some social diseases (sexually transmitted diseases) such as hepatitis B, HIV, but many other diseases such as gonorrhea, chicken rash, syphilis, etc. It is not detectable, but specific tests are required.

Does blood test know cancer?

Doctor Nguyen Chan Hung, director of Ho Chi Minh City Oncology Hospital, said the signs of cancer biology are substances found in the blood, urine or tissues of patients, which can help the detection and diagnosis. Guess some types of cancer. However, just measuring these signs is not enough to diagnose the disease because it can be elevated in people with benign or non-cancer patients, especially when the disease is early.

There are many factors that can affect the test results for cancer markers such as heavy smokers, certain infections, medications, pregnancy, menstruation, and even due to technical problems of the laboratory (too sensitive reagent) .

Therefore, blood test results to find signs of cancer biology are just an additional technical means for physicians to detect cancer early and monitor the progress of cancer when the patient has and under treatment, helping the doctor determine the appropriate treatment regimen for patients before cancer treatment.

Ideally, patients should go to a specialist (oncology, urology, gynecology .) to share anxiety, to be examined and to find out the cause by other laboratory diagnostic tests (endoscopy Biopsy, ultrasound, MRI, CT Scanner, X-ray .) help detect disease early or eliminate not having cancer.

According to Dr. Chan Hung, even if there are no biological disturbances, it is advisable to keep a reasonable and balanced diet. It is best to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, fresh fruit has lots of fillers (fiber), eat less fat, especially animal fat, reduce eating meat. However, excessive abstinence is not beneficial to health. In addition, not allowing the body to be obese, increasing physical activity for at least 30 minutes a day, playing sports, practicing nursing . are also very effective measures to prevent cancer.

'If it is only because of the increased biological signs, it is not advisable to switch to a completely and thoroughly vegetarian diet,' Hung said. When the body weakens, it also facilitates cancer outbreak. The brown rice with sesame cannot prevent or treat cancer. However, for those who used to eat too comfortably (a lot of fat meat, less vegetables), it is good for health to switch to eating brown sesame rice.

Dr. Hung also advised patients not to look for 'healers' or just drink herbs for cancer prevention and treatment. If you get sick and go to treatment with methods that have not been scientifically proven, it will only delay treatment and will not be effective. Science has a lot of progress today and cancer is not an incurable disease when detected early and properly treated.

  • Instructions on how to read blood test results
Update 15 December 2018



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