What if you don't wash your feet from now on?

Lazy foot washing is very normal for many people, but if this problem will be completely different if you do not wash your feet for a long time.

Personal hygiene is one of the most important "jobs" of the day for many people. That includes washing your feet on a regular basis or at least every time you get home and take your shoes off. But what if from now on you decide not to wash your feet anymore. The obvious result that anyone can predict is that your feet will smell terrible, but that is still too normal, because you will be at risk of many types of infections, even even having to amputate his legs.

It is a fact that no matter how clean you are, your feet are still home to bacteria and 200 different types of fungi. Bacteria thrive in humid environments just like what your shoes, socks or slippers can provide. Most of these bacteria are harmless and are not present in small numbers. However, when they begin to multiply and grow, the smell of rotten feet will also begin to appear.

However, these bacteria have another effect, they can keep your feet healthy. Some types secrete oils to keep skin supple and produce enzymes that break down dead skin cells. But if you decided to never wash your feet again, would you be healthier?

Picture 1 of What if you don't wash your feet from now on?

Most people think sweat is the main cause of foot odor, and that's also true, but it's the bacteria on the skin that are the real cause. The bacteria feed on the proteins, oils, and amino acids on the skin, and as a result produce odorous chemicals. Sweat is odorless, but bacteria will eat it and produce the smelly chemicals we smell.

Before you start, you should exfoliate your feet one last time. It's best to start things off with an ice cube and wash it off thoroughly before putting your feet in your shoes. Then you will start your day as usual. In the evening, when you get home, you take your feet out of your shoes and don't wash them. At this point in your shoes is the perfect environment for the growth of Brevibacterium, bacteria that are harmless but they are the type of bacteria that cause the smell of rotten feet.

The next morning, you will shower as usual. But this time, you won't be allowed to scrub your feet. You just need to stand there and let the water and soap run from your body to your feet. You may still feel clean, but in reality, your actions just haven't washed away enough bacteria build up from the previous day.

A few hours later, the smell of your rotten feet will be stronger than the day before. Now, you can even detect odors without taking off your shoes. After a few days of not washing your feet, you will start to feel pain in your feet and the soles of your feet will gradually crack.

You will have patches of itchy, flaky skin that develop between your toes. At this point, you may have a fungal infection, which then thrives in the moisture of your shoes and socks.

Picture 2 of What if you don't wash your feet from now on?

Tinea capitis is a fungal infection that affects 3-15% of the population. This is a very contagious disease, especially if you like to walk barefoot in wet, public spaces, like changing rooms or shared bathrooms. The humid environment creates favorable conditions for the fungus to thrive. That can lead to an infection, causing symptoms like itching, flaky skin, painful boils, and a scaly rash. Even worse, if you use the same towel to wipe your hands and feet, the infection can spread to your hands and nails.

Over the next few weeks, ignoring the problem of rotten feet, your feet will feel almost like you are standing on small, sharp stones because your feet have developed lumps by now. warts.

And this will be different from the bacteria and fungi you're used to. It's a viral infection - the human papillomavirus (HPV) gets into your feet through itchy, cuts in the skin. These nasty warts grow inward and cause painful calluses in pressure areas like heels. You may start to feel like there are stones in your shoes.

And on top of that, if your feet sweat, it softens the skin at the edges of your toes, which can lead to ingrown toenails. If you've ever tripped your toe, imagine that same kind of dull ache in your toe.

Accordingly, the pain will cause your gait to change and gradually develop joint problems or stiffness in the back.

But the worst is yet to come. These wounds can eventually develop into an MRSA staph infection and can be life-threatening. If left untreated, necrotizing fasciitis or flesh-eating bacteria can destroy the skin, fat, and tissues on your leg muscles. If the infection gets into your bloodstream, you can develop sepsis, organ failure, or even death.

At this point, your only option to save your life is to amputate your leg. On our planet, about 28% of people do not think it is necessary to wash their feet daily. If you're one of them, hopefully you'll start changing your habits now.

Update 13 April 2022



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