When did the concept of aliens come from?

Belief in the existence of aliens probably dates from ancient Egypt, Babylon and Sumerian times, although in those societies, people consider the universe to be supernatural.

Belief in the existence of aliens probably dates from ancient Egypt, Babylon and Sumerian times, although in those societies, people consider the universe to be supernatural.

The first Westerner to have a systematic reasoning on this issue was Thales and the student of Anaximander , 7th and 6th centuries BC. Thales thinks the universe is full of planets and therefore, there may be extraterrestrial life, and aliens are real. Egyptian atomic theory holds that an endless universe may have countless inhabited worlds. The ancient Greek cosmological works against the idea of ​​aliens, however, the geocentric cosmology gives the privilege to Earth and life on Earth, "seems to" have a description that Living outside the Earth is possible.

However, only when the invention of the telescope, the Earth is actually known as a single planet in the countless celestial bodies, extraterrestrial life gradually looks to the scientific view. The belief in alien existence continues to last into the 20th century. Indeed, about three centuries after the scientific and technical revolution, the beginning of the modern human era understood the nature of the Solar System. , many astronomers and other theoretical authors, at least some religious followers, as well as most people believe that the existence of extraterrestrial beings is completely real.

Picture 1 of When did the concept of aliens come from?

Belief in the existence of aliens may have existed for a long time.

This trend is finally stalled after space exploration: The Moon is clearly removed from the list, while Venus and Mars - the two brightest candidates for life outside the Earth. - shows no clear evidence. The solar moons of the Solar System have been visited, and there are no signs of life even though interesting geological activities have been observed (Volcanic Moon, thick atmosphere of Titan, Sea on the Moon Europa) has reduced the hope of finding a potential for extraterrestrial life. Finally, the failure of the SETI program in detecting radio signals of other intellectual civilizations, after four decades of effort has pushed optimism from the beginning of the cosmic era to the abyss and an opportunity. For everyone to criticize: seeking extraterrestrial organisms is an anti-scientific act.

In short, the prospect of intellectual civilizations travels all over space in the Solar System to ambiguous scientists. But meanwhile, data transmitted from space surveys and advances in scientifically accepted search methods also draw a perspective on potential new potential for life on the Other planets, at least, have a lot of other planets, whether or not an alien creature exists.

Currently, many aliens searching for aliens still believe that extraterrestrial beings have and still often visit Earth. Some people think that unidified flying objects (UFO) observed in the sky are actually images of extraterrestrial spacecraft and even claim to have met people. out of Earth.

Update 19 December 2018



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