'White pollution' caused by plastic bags to the environment

'White pollution' is a term scientists use to call about a type of contamination caused by plastic bags to the environment.

'White pollution' is a term scientists use to call a kind of pollution caused by plastic bags to the environment. White pollution occurs when people handle used plastic bags improperly, with a series of incalculable implications .

Plastic bags have become difficult to be missed in everyday life. It is associated with the inherent habit of many people. With the advantages of durable, strong, convenient and low cost, plastic bags are popular and used almost everywhere, from small stores to supermarkets and large commercial centers.

According to incomplete statistics, each Vietnamese household often uses 5 - 7 plastic bags / day including big bags, small bags and micro bags . So millions of plastic bags are used and daily discharge to the environment.

Picture 1 of 'White pollution' caused by plastic bags to the environment

Plastic bags have become difficult to be missed in everyday life.

Only two big cities, Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, average about 80 tons of plastic and plastic bags per day. Everyday, Hanoi releases 4,000 to 5,000 tons of garbage, of which plastic waste accounts for 7-8%. Notably, this amount of plastic bags increases year by year. This is a 'burden' for the environment, even, that leads to a disaster that environmental experts call 'white pollution'.

According to research by scientists in the world, the most dangerous harm of plastic bags to the environment is the nature of very difficult to decompose in natural conditions . The plastic bag is so small and fragile, but the decomposition process can last from 500 to 1,000 years if not affected by sunlight.

Its existence in the environment will seriously affect soil and water, as plastic bags will mix into the soil, which will change the physical properties of the soil, causing soil erosion, making it impossible to retain water and nutrients. , preventing oxygen from passing through the soil affecting the growth of plants.

If plastic bags are thrown into ponds and lakes, rivers and streams will clog drains, ditches, canals, causing stagnant wastewater and flooding, leading to the production of many pathogenic bacteria.

More seriously, the soil and water environment polluted by plastic bags will directly and indirectly affect human health. In fact, many types of plastic bags made from pure petroleum when buried will affect the soil and water environment, burning them will create emissions with poisonous dioxins and furans causing poisoning, endocrine gland effects, cause cancer, reduce immunity, .

Besides, using plastic bags containing hot food will produce many harmful substances for the body. Blue, red plastic bags containing metals such as lead, cadmium, and if processed food are harmful to human health.

Update 16 December 2018



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