Why are our skin colors different?

In fact, our genetic genes are the same and everyone has dark skin when human ancestors first appeared in millions of years.

Why do people in different regions have different skin colors? What is the cause of this difference?

In fact, our genetic genes are the same and everyone has dark skin when human ancestors first appeared in millions of years. What determines the color of the human skin is a black .

All of us are born with a certain amount of melanin in our skin and the number of these pigments cannot be changed even if we move to another place in the world. All interventions to change the amount of melanin will make the skin appear very ugly dark spots.

Picture 1 of Why are our skin colors different?

Many studies have shown that humans originated in Africa. In this near-equatorial area, the sun always shines with an intense intensity. While ultraviolet rays in the sun have a great effect in helping the body produce vitamin D, it increases resistance but it is not beneficial to be exposed too long to them. And it is the amount of melanin that acts as a membrane to protect the skin from the harmful effects of the sun's rays but it makes our skin a rather dark 'layer' .

Picture 2 of Why are our skin colors different?

So in ancient times, our skin tone was the same color until people began to divide and migrate to new lands to live. In areas far from the equator, the sun shines less so the human body evolves to adapt to a new habitat. Besides, over time, our skin color will gradually light up over generations. And we begin to see the difference in skin color of the different peoples living around the world.

This phenomenon is called the "Groger rule". Accordingly, people in the areas closer to the equator always have darker skin color. This rule applies not only to humans but to all living things on the planet.

Picture 3 of Why are our skin colors different?

People in the areas closer to the equator always have darker skin color.

So why do our skin often go away in summer and whiter in winter?

In the summer, the amount of melanin in our skin is evenly distributed throughout the body to protect the skin somewhat from the effects of the sun and make our skin darker, which we often call tanning. .

In winter, when the amount of melanin allocated is less, their skin will become brighter and whiter.

Update 18 December 2018



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