Why do old Chinese aircraft have to be taken to the US for dismantling?

The fact that China sent a number of old aircraft to the US for dismantling has attracted public attention.

The fact that China sent a number of old aircraft to the US for dismantling has attracted public attention. Many people question why China, a country that is rapidly developing aviation technology, cannot dismantle its own old aircraft but must depend on foreign countries.

In 2017, the C919 large passenger aircraft independently developed by China successfully completed its test flight in the sky, marking the opening of a new chapter in China's civil aviation industry. By the end of 2022, this large Chinese domestic aircraft will officially be put into commercial operation by China Eastern Airlines.

With the commercialization of the C919, COMAC (Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China) received many orders from various airlines. To date, orders for the C919 have exceeded 1,500 units. This number not only demonstrates the strong development of China's civil aviation industry but also demonstrates China's manufacturing strength.

Picture 1 of Why do old Chinese aircraft have to be taken to the US for dismantling?

China currently has only a few aircraft dismantling facilities. (Illustration).

China's aviation industry has grown explosively over the past decades, leading to growing demand for aircraft dismantling services . However, this development has not been accompanied by corresponding investment in infrastructure and specialized human resources for this sector. China currently has only a few aircraft dismantling facilities, mainly focusing on domestic aircraft . These facilities lack modern equipment and highly skilled staff, leading to ineffective and costly dismantling of aircraft.

However, while China's civil aviation industry is making rapid progress, a phenomenon that cannot be ignored has gradually appeared - the situation of "expired" aircraft . According to statistics, from 2020 to 2040, China is expected to have up to 4,000 aircraft ending their commercial flying career.

Why is there such a large scale of outages? There are two main reasons:

  • First , although aircraft are designed to have a lifespan of 25 to 30 years, maintenance costs will increase sharply over time.
  • Second , to ensure flight safety, Chinese civil airlines often decommission commercial aircraft after 14 years of use.

Interestingly, these retired airliners were not dismantled in China but were flown across the ocean to Davis–Monthan Air Force Base in the United States. This huge base with an area of ​​2,600 acres not only houses civil aviation aircraft but also many fighter aircraft such as F16, F15, etc. so it also has another name "Airplane Cemetery". ".

Picture 2 of Why do old Chinese aircraft have to be taken to the US for dismantling?

Dismantling aircraft in China may pose a potential risk of violating environmental regulations. (Illustration).

Dismantling aircraft poses many risks of environmental pollution, including fuel leaks, toxic chemicals and noise. Therefore, every country has strict regulations on aircraft dismantling activities to ensure environmental protection. China also has similar regulations, but enforcement of these regulations is still limited. Therefore, dismantling aircraft in China can potentially violate environmental regulations , leading to dismantling companies facing sanctions.

Why does China choose "expired" aircraft to be dismantled in the US? There are many considerations behind this. First is the climate factor. Dry climate conditions at Davis–Monthan Air Force Base can effectively slow down corrosion and aging of aircraft. In addition, transportation around this base is extremely convenient, connecting to many federal highways, making it easy for large vehicles to get in and out.

Some people may argue that China has a vast territory and abundant resources, so why not find a suitable location within the country to set up a similar dismantling base? In practice, this involves more complex considerations. In addition to geographical and climatic conditions, transportation costs, professional team and expertise are all indispensable factors.

Picture 3 of Why do old Chinese aircraft have to be taken to the US for dismantling?

Dismantling aircraft in the US can save costs and time for Chinese airlines. (Illustration).

The United States has a long-standing and thriving aircraft dismantling industry with modern infrastructure, highly skilled personnel, and safe and efficient dismantling processes. Therefore, dismantling aircraft in the US can save costs and time for Chinese airlines.

When establishing an aircraft dismantling facility in China , the first thing to face is high transportation costs. China's southeastern coastal areas have a developed economy, while the western desert areas have a suitable climate but the cost of transporting disassembled parts will be very high. More importantly, dismantling an aircraft is not a simple dismantling job but requires a professional valuation team and dismantling team. These teams need to have a wealth of experience and great skills to ensure that every component can be utilized to its full potential.

The valuation team's responsibility is to accurately capture real-time global market price movements and accurately price aircraft and their components. This requires not only extensive professional knowledge but also long-term market observation and accumulation of experience. The dismantling team needs to carefully disassemble the specified parts according to the buyer's needs to ensure they are intact. Any negligence during this process can lead to costly losses.

Picture 4 of Why do old Chinese aircraft have to be taken to the US for dismantling?

Dismantling aircraft requires a professional valuation team and dismantling team. (Illustration).

China is trying to develop domestic aircraft dismantling technology , but there are still many limitations compared to advanced countries like the US. Some of the most advanced dismantling technologies, such as composite material recycling technology, have not yet been widely applied in China. Therefore, dismantling aircraft in the US can help Chinese airlines access the most advanced dismantling technologies and improve operational efficiency.

In addition to the professional team, licensing is also an important part of the dismantling work. Only a professional disassembly team with "Maintenance License 145" can meet legally valid certifications to ensure that disassembled parts are of reliable origin and quality.

Picture 5 of Why do old Chinese aircraft have to be taken to the US for dismantling?

China is trying to develop domestic aircraft dismantling technology. (Illustration).

It is worth mentioning that "Airplane Cemetery" is not only used for dismantling and selling spare parts . It also carries the mission of preparing for war. Here, a large number of third and fourth generation aircraft are stored and can be quickly put into combat after simple maintenance. The importance of this strategic reserve force is obvious. It demonstrates a nation's deep foundation in air power and the ability to respond quickly.

In short, there are many complex factors behind the phenomenon of retired Chinese airliners being brought to the US for dismantling. Everything from climate conditions and traffic arrangements to team professionalism and qualifications are indispensable considerations.

Update 28 May 2024



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