Why do you often have itching when it's cold?

In the cold season, your skin suddenly feels very itchy, itchy from less to more, broken skin flakes and scabs but itching, why is it so itchy?

In the cold season, your skin suddenly feels very itchy, itchy from less to more, broken skin flakes and scabs but itching, why is it so itchy?

Due to the cold weather today, the number of people coming to the examination due to skin allergies increased sharply. Cold pruritus can range from severe to severe, patients scratching their skin, causing it to scratch, or even cause bleeding under the skin.

According to dermatologists, pruritus is the most typical symptom of the disease. Itching is intense, the more it scratches the itch. Experts say that winter is when the weather becomes dry, some capillaries on the skin close, the amount of blood supply to the skin decreases, the ability of sweating and organic acids of the skin also decreases, causing The moisture content of the skin decreases. This makes the skin of many people also become tense, dry, even very itchy. According to experts, the disease is easy to detect because there is a clear expression but difficult to cure because it is difficult to identify the cause. Therefore, for people with cold illness, in the winter, it is necessary to keep warm, avoid contact with cold. Outside the winter road, pay attention to cover, mask, neckerchief, gloves, warm hat, socks.

Picture 1 of Why do you often have itching when it's cold?

The disease occurs at any age and often recurs.

Causes skin irritation in the cold season

Location: As recommended by dermatologists, people with mechanical allergies are very sensitive to changes in weather. Therefore, these people need to pay attention to keeping the body warm when the weather changes. In the case, it is necessary to pay attention to keep the skin clean, not scratching, rubbing around the itch to avoid further illness. If you see a more advanced disease, you should go to a specialist clinic soon, you should not buy medicine for treatment.

Drink less water: In winter, many people who are habitually afraid to drink water. This is bad for your skin in the winter. According to dermatologists, winter even skin needs more water than summer even without feeling thirsty. Drinking about 2 liters of water a day is necessary to meet the skin's water.

Hot water bath: Many people still have a habit of bathing many times a day in winter. According to dermatologists recommend, in the winter should not be too much bathing, especially the elderly and children, to avoid dry skin and itching. Older people and babies should only bath 1-2 times / week. At the same time, when taking a bath, do not use high alkaline skin cleansing products such as soap, but use less shower gel. Particularly for people with dry skin, it is best not to use shower gel but only with clean water.

In addition, the bath water should not be too hot, because after bathing with hot water it feels very comfortable, but hot water will make the skin dry and itchy. After taking a bath, use natural herbal lotion, avoid mineral oil.

Heaters: Currently, most families use heaters, especially in cold days. The use of regular heaters is also the cause of dehydration, dry and itchy skin. You should use a humidifier in the room and the room temperature should not be too hot.

People with allergy should avoid wearing wool, fur . Avoid wearing clothes that are too tight for the skin to rub and cause itching. At the same time, people with food allergies should also pay attention and limit eating allergies on cold days.

Skin irritation caused by weather only treated in waves, cannot be permanently cured. For some people, when the weather gets warmer, the itch also ceases. But the patient should go to a specialist examination to be prescribed medication, avoiding skin inflammation.

Picture 2 of Why do you often have itching when it's cold?

Skin irritation caused by weather only treated in waves, cannot be permanently cured.


  • Scratching, wearing enough warmth, limiting to wear clothing that is easily irritating to the skin, such as burlap, should not be restricted to wearing clothes that are too tight for rubbing and irritating the skin.
  • Also need enough sleep to help skin cells to regenerate.
  • Need to increase drinking water, eat more fruit, use less stimulants.
  • Do not bathe too much and take a hot bath.The cold season should only be bathed with warm water.After bathing, you should apply moisturizer, the safest is to use a cream for children.The use of chemicals and detergents will also increase the itching.
  • Attention should be paid to keeping the body temperature, when sleeping should not open the window to avoid drafts.When going out in the cold, wear gloves, wear hats to avoid cold and protect skin from water evaporation.
  • When the skin shows signs of allergy, itching is not subjective, need to keep clean the allergy traces, do not rub strongly around the allergy to avoid infection.
  • Foods that are easy to cause allergies such as seafood, fermented substances such as melon, pickled tomato . also need to limit eating.
Update 15 December 2018



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