Why is sperm dysfunction?

Among the causes of male infertility is mainly due to sperm deficiency. This is a disease caused by many causes.

Sperm deficiency is a condition in which the sperm size, mobility or normal shape of the sperm is reduced. Need to understand sperm dysfunction, to have an effective way to prevent, to minimize the infertility rate in men.

Among the causes of male infertility is mainly due to sperm deficiency. This is a disease caused by many causes.

Sperm deficiency is a condition in which the sperm size, mobility or normal shape of the sperm is reduced. Need to understand sperm dysfunction, to have an effective way to prevent, to minimize the infertility rate in men.

The role of sperm

In the physiological life - male sex, sperm plays a very important role. Sperm speaks of the state of health as well as fertility, besides there are many factors that affect sperm, causing significant effects on the reproductive process. Sperm is produced in the spermatoscope in the testicle, then separated from Sertoli cells and the epithelial layer of the spermatic tube to move from the spermatogenesis to the epididymis, vas deferens and seminal vesicles; The sperm gradually matures to ensure egg fertilization function after entering the woman's genital tract.

Picture 1 of Why is sperm dysfunction?

Smoking, drinking alcohol . will affect sperm quantity and quality.

Evaluate normal semen sample

According to the World Health Organization, a test sample is thought to be normal semen when semen has a volume of 2-6ml, minimum sperm count is 20 million / ml of semen, usually sperm count ranging from 20 to 250 million / ml, the normal shape of sperm must be over 60%, the ratio of mobile sperm about 1 hour after ejaculation is 60% on average, but not less than 50%. PH 7.2 - 8, colors are milky or light yellow. Currently, according to the World Health Organization's assessment, the normal standard for sperm concentration in male semen is> 20 million / ml. Compared to 1999 is> 60 million / ml, the current standard is much lower.

Factors affecting

Some of the triggers that cause reproductive hormonal disorders lead to huge changes in the quantity and quality of sperm. Like temperature, sperm is formed and developed in an environment with a temperature of 1 - 20 0 C lower than the body temperature. Therefore, according to the natural law, on the body structure of men Normally, the testicles are located in the covered layer of skin and 7 layers of Dartos muscle of the scrotum, can be compared to scrotum as an automatic air-conditioning system, depending on the temperature and cold of the external environment, The muscle layers of the stomach will automatically expand to adjust so that the testicles always retain the most appropriate temperature favorable for sperm production. Some pathologies such as intra-abdominal testicles, hidden testicles, non-scrotum testicles, varicose veins will increase the testicular temperature to the same temperature as the body will affect sperm reproduction.

In addition, men should not wear tight pants with the body, which causes the testicular temperature to rise at body temperature to affect sperm reproduction.

Picture 2 of Why is sperm dysfunction?

Some antibiotics can cause sperm to drop to zero.

Many studies show that exposure to high temperatures, environmental pollution and industrial chemicals, free radicals . can damage sperm's genetic structure.Cigarette smoking and heavy drinking will affect sperm production, both on the nature, quantity and mobility of sperm. Drinking a lot of alcohol can reduce sperm count, but the main harm of alcohol is hurting the secretion of testosterols, because alcohol increases the breakdown of this hormone and converts back to estrogen and reduces desire. sex.

Some antibiotics can cause sperm to drop to 0, after stopping using it takes about 70 days to create a new generation of sperm. Drugs such as: Cimetidine used to treat gastric ulcer - duodenum, Colchicin for gout treatment, Phenintoin for epilepsy treatment, Salazopyrin for treating colitis, Nitrofurantoin for treating urinary tract infections can all affect sperm count. However, if the alternating solution does not affect the number of spermatozoa, when the sperm is stopped, the sperm will fully recover. Cancer treatments such as Cyclophosphamid for prolonged use and high doses can cause permanent infertility.

Addictive drugs such as morphine, drugs that can cause infertility and hormonal reduction , are an obvious cause of erectile dysfunction and infertility, because the drug can stimulate secretion of another hormone, called prolactin, leads to damage to sperm production function.

How to determine sperm defects

Usually the initial determination of the cause is male infertility. Sperm dysfunction accounts for most of the causes of male infertility. We rely on a sample semen test to assess spermatogenesis including abnormalities in sperm count, mobility and sperm shape. Besides, it is necessary to ask carefully the foreboding, the habit of smoking, drinking alcohol or using drugs, and examining the external genitals about the testicles of the patients, detecting abnormal cases of testicles.

Each time the sample test has a big change between this test and the other test, it is only confirmed that when testing many times, it is abnormal. However, in fact, it is found that about 20% of men who have a baby when having a sperm count below 20 million / ml and any other condition that is mild or severe can affect the birth process. sperm production, so the timing of the assessment must be far away from this stage. Inferior spermatozoa due to impaired testicular function, testosterone decreased, FSH, LH increased.

Picture 3 of Why is sperm dysfunction?

Sperm dysfunction accounts for most of the causes of male infertility.


Find out what causes sperm dysfunction to have effective treatment plans. That brings joy, the desire of infertile couples. Eliminate the influencing factors that cause sperm dysfunction, treat well causes such as hidden testicles, testicles in the abdomen.

Regarding the use of medical medicine, there are many views that have been introduced and applied to treat unexplained sperm dysfunction such as Androgens, gonadotropins, anti-estrogens, antioxidants, but There is no method that can prove to be effective in improving the quality of sperm and fertility of men. However, some views still support the treatment of sperm disability with gonadotropins by experience. Duration of treatment usually lasts from 3 to 6 months.

Currently, assisted reproduction in the treatment of infertility has yielded very good results for infertile couples on artificial insemination, depending on the level of cause of infertility and the use of treatments such as pumping sperm into the uterine chamber at the time of ovulation, in vitro fertilization .

Update 15 December 2018



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