Why is there no kneecap at the elbow?

People often wonder, why do we have patella at the knee without kneecap at the elbow?

Nathanial Marten from the American Museum of Science explained that the kneecap is a sesame bone, meaning that unlike most other bones in the body, it grows inside the ligaments attached to the muscles with the most joints. determined.

Picture 1 of Why is there no kneecap at the elbow?
The kneecap position at the knee.(Source: Internet).

Sesame bones form in a place where a ligament passes through a joint. Their purpose is to protect that ligament and enhance the mechanical impact of the ligament.

The human knee is in a position of high pressure due to walking upright. Patella helps balance the ability and movement of the knee to match the correct posture. The elbow does not suffer from such pressure because most of us do not go by hand.