Women 'dodge' engineering because of math?

Surveys by American scientists show that women are less likely to choose careers in the fields of science, math and technology because they have more choices than they are less likely to study related to those areas.

Surveys by American scientists show that women are less likely to choose careers in the fields of science, math and technology because they have more choices than they are less likely to study related to those areas.

Prof. Ming-Te Wang and colleagues at the University of Pittsburgh and the University of Michigan surveyed 1,490 students starting their first year, reviewing the scores of social and natural sciences, study skills and the following. That considered the career of their 33-year-old.

Math and speaking skills are emphasized by scientists to consider whether two factors lead to differences in future career choices.

Picture 1 of Women 'dodge' engineering because of math?

Women have a better opportunity to orient their careers than men - (Photo alamy.com)

Considering the group of students who are good at math - including more women than men - scientists found that the group also had better speaking skills than other students. Subsequent analyzes show the difference in career choices related to differences in the combination of students' skills.

Professor Wang explained: 'Our research shows that not because of omissions or differences in skills has led women to pursue careers that are less related to science, math and technology that they seem to have. Math skills and speech are good. Therefore, they have more choices. '

The study is published in the journal Psychological Science, a journal of the American Psychological Society.

Update 18 December 2018



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