World overview of the world through 10 technology segments

Technology that is constantly changing with a series of new terms has made it difficult for many people to keep up to date with what's happening in the web, mobile and computing worlds.

Broadband (broadband)

This is the term for high-speed Internet connection, supporting users to access websites, download music and videos more conveniently. The most popular broadband version is ADSL - using advanced digital technology via fixed telephone lines. In addition, ADSL2 and ADSL2 + are also capable of operating much faster, but in general the speed of ADSL is sufficient for families.

Wireless (wireless)

Wireless can be interpreted as a cordless operating technology that uses shortwave to link devices together. More commonly, wireless technology only allows Internet access on laptops without the need for complicated phone lines.

To set up a wireless home network, customers still need to register for broadband service and buy a wireless router. The router will transmit Internet signals around the home and users can access the network, read e-mail, open websites . at any location from the living room, bedroom to the toilet via laptop. Wireless technology has many names, most commonly Wi-Fi with 802.11b and 802.11g specifications.

Picture 1 of World overview of the world through 10 technology segments Wireless broadband (wireless broadband)

This is a combination of broadband and the flexibility of wireless technology. Wireless technology is usually only capable of covering a home or office, in broadband wireless that can cover an entire city (this is similar to the operation of extended phones and mobile phones. ).

Laptop and notebook

Laptops or notebooks are called laptops. Smaller notebooks are usually called subnote or tablet (tablet PCs) with touch screens, allowing you to write characters directly on them with a digital pen.

Currently, notebook sales have surpassed desktop computers because they not only have the same capabilities as desktop systems, but also provide users with mobility. However, notebook prices are higher than desktops because manufacturers have to integrate all the necessary components into a small space.

3rd generation technology (3G and Next G)

Human communications have changed since the first mobile phones appeared in the 1980s. A quarter of a century has passed, the world is preparing to embrace new mobile network technologies, including 3G. With the 3rd generation device, users can access the Internet, follow sports news, video clips and send video messages easily. In addition, another technology, Next G, can perform all 3G-like features but with much higher data transfer rates. The cost for 3G and Next G phones depends on the features on the phone as well as the term of service contracts between users and providers.

Smart phone (smartphone)

New mobile phones with the ability to read e-mail, manage calendar, web browsing . are called smartphones. Some are equipped with a mini keyboard with a similar QWERTY keyboard design on the computer, making messaging and mailing faster. To own these devices, users need to spend about 500 USD - 1,000 USD.


If you often have to make long-distance calls, users will appreciate the conversation technology over the Internet. VoIP turns the Internet into a global telephone network with voice services between two free computers such as Windows Messenger, Yahoo Messenger, Google Talk and Skype. Meanwhile, commercial services such as Skype, Engin . allow computer users to call directly to fixed or mobile phone numbers. They still have to pay the wedding fee, but because the calls are circulated in the Internet instead of through the cable system, the price is much lower.


Podcasts are users who record radio programs or create audio files, then post them on the Internet for people to listen directly to the web or download personal digital devices. Podcasts began to become popular after Apple announced support for the technology in the iTunes online music store and iPod music player. Currently, any MP3 player listens to the podcast, not just the "Apple" device.


This is the short word for web log - where people can post the information they like, such as views, views of life, recounting the events they've just seen . and giving allow others to write comments. Some blogs are developed as an online journal, but there are also blogs that become a product introduction channel, providing information about companies and organizations.

Digital cameras

Currently, people no longer have to manage how to restrict shooting in 36 types of film. They can also tell right away if the photo is beautiful or not without waiting for it to wash it like with film cameras.

Digital cameras are currently divided into three categories. At a price of $ 250, users can own slim, light and easy-to-use models. From 500 USD or more is a mid-range device with high resolution, larger zoom lens with rich features and anti-vibration, anti-blur . From over USD 1,000, users can equip For D-SLR cameras with traditional SLR (single lens reflective camera) design, interchangeable lenses, external flash and many manual control features.

Computer world

Many people wonder what is the difference between a Windows PC and an Apple Macintosh system. Apple products are more expensive but beautiful, easy to use, less error-prone and less prone to security issues like viruses than Windows-based systems.

If using Windows computers, users will be interested in the new generation Windows Vista operating system, which will be released in late January to replace Windows XP.

Most Windows and Mac systems are integrated with Intel-made processing equipment. The latest chip is equipped with a Core 2 Duo computer, although Intel has recently released quad-core chips for desktops and servers.