10,000km adventure of pregnant wolf spider

Beverley Cooper, 52, in Glenrothes, Fife, Scotland was terrified to see an Indian wolf spider lying in the middle of the fridge and looking straight at her.

It is believed that the pregnant female spider had a journey longer than 9656km departing from India to Scotland, inside a box of grapes.

Beverley Cooper, 52, in Glenrothes, Fife, Scotland was terrified to see an Indian wolf spider lying in the middle of the fridge and looking straight at her.

Her husband, David Cooper, 60, ran down the stairs, catching the spider in a glass cup. Later, he called the Scottish Animal Crime Prevention Association (SPCA). The female spider is capable of causing unpleasant bites currently living in Edinburgh's insect and butterfly worlds.

Picture 1 of 10,000km adventure of pregnant wolf spider

Indian wolf spider. Photo: Dailymail

Cooper, a former teacher, said: "I heard screaming and running down to see what happened, spotted the spider. It was clinging to the refrigerator, having a very bizarre shape. I know that this is not a normal spider that often appears in houses. "

"Because I was kept in the refrigerator, it moved slowly and it was very easy to catch. I thought it would jump in the beginning, but it was quite indifferent.

"I'm really shocked," Cooper said. "I think everyone in Glenrothes heard me screaming."

"At about 23:00, I went to the fridge to get bread and butter to make David's toast. As soon as the light from the refrigerator came out, I saw the hairy spider staring at me. It was huge and I started screaming.

It's not like the spider I saw before. Its whole body is hairy, its eyes are bright, big and round like a Tarantula (a large black spider). I didn't want to kill it but it made a terrible mess in the refrigerator. "

It is believed that he had a journey longer than 9656km departing from India, inside a box of grapes. This is a female spider, 5cm long.

Andrew McDonald, Edinburgh general manager of the Insect and Butterfly World, said: "We think the spider is pregnant. We hope this spider will contribute to the center of a new generation of spiders."

Andrew Thom, a colleague of Andrew, said: "This spider is not lethal but it will be very annoying if it is bitten. It has other spider characteristics. Its eyes are in front of the head, helping it hunt and escape. from danger ".

Wolf wolves are distributed all over the world, its venom is not lethal but can cause mild pain and swelling. The lifespan of wolf spiders is no more than two or three years.

Update 17 December 2018



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