4 sacred secrets to make your life easier than ever

Remember these tips if you want to make your life easier.

Remember these tips if you want to make your life easier.

In life, sometimes we will face difficulties. The cause is so much, like stress because of exams, ineffective work, or simply . wisdom teeth grow too painful.

If you feel that way, the following 4 tips will help you overcome them all. Try to remember it, it will be useful.

1. Do you have pain? Apply cold ice on this point on your finger

Traditional Oriental medicine, though not fully embraced by Westerners, is, in fact, many tested methods that are as effective as acupuncture - the technique of using needles to hit points to cure .

In it, there is a acupressure area named: "The grave of the cup" - the area inside the membrane between the thumb and forefinger - specialized for pain relief.

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Vented case cup.

One study showed that just rubbing a stone on a grave acupressure is equivalent to an extremely effective painkiller, enough to disappear the aching feeling when . a movement Boxing tablet for punching.

This is also one of the methods used by experts to relieve pain in pregnant women during childbirth. According to some statistics, women use this way to reduce pain from "want to cry" to "uncomfortable" level.

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This is also one of the methods used by experts to relieve pain in pregnant women during childbirth.

There have been some studies on this method of pain relief 1-0-2. In particular, according to a study on the treatment of toothache, if rubbing cold stone on the grave, the toothache may be reduced by up to 50%.

2. Want to "survive the accident" in the exam? Fall asleep

Imagine: You are very sleepy, but there is a test tomorrow and you have no words at the beginning, what will you do?

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There is a way to help you absorb more energy-efficient work that is sleeping.

Maybe we are the same - will choose to chant the whole night with a coffee or solid tea. However, there is a way to help you absorb the work better in this difficult period: sleep.

Of course, I didn't have to sleep all night, but take a quick look at the lesson and sleep a little about 45 minutes to 1 hour, instead of cramming the letters into my head and banging the coffee.

According to a study in Germany published in early 2015, this method of "reading a little, a little sleep" can increase memory performance by five times.

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This method of "reading a bit, a little sleep" can increase memory performance by 5 times.

The reason we can use this "hacking" memory is through the hippocampus of the brain, which is responsible for transmitting new information into long-term memory.

Experts say nap will trigger a "break" of the " sleep spindle " (sleep spindle). These are electrical impulses that prevent external information from affecting the brain - or in other words, the more electrical impulses, the better the sleep.

However, due to the need to "get up and learn" , the hippocampus will cut off electrical impulses, allowing you to absorb more information, provided you have to give your brain a little rest.

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The reason we can use this "hacking" memory is through the hippocampus of the brain.

I can understand this as well: The brain hates studying like you do, so much so that it contracts: "Give me a break, then I'll help you learn a little bit, or else we both take our hands together . . Retest".

3. Want to focus more? Look at the trees and flowers

Now try to look at the high-lift tank up below to see if it collided with the blue signs above:

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People are easily distracted by a relatively short concentration period.

Is there a friend instead of looking at that truck and watching the white car come in? If so, it is not uncommon, because this shows that people are easily distracted by a relatively short concentration period.

However, scientists say we can overcome this with a very simple method: watching and letting go into nature.

And not necessarily looking at "genuine trees", but just looking at a picture or image of nature is enough to increase your concentration.

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The part of the brain that helps us focus will be attracted and stimulated by the image of natural plants.

How long has it been before you pause your eyes on the phone screen and go out to see nature?

Experts from the University of Melbourne (Australia) said that the part of the brain that helps us focus will be attracted and stimulated by the image of natural plants.

They did an experiment on 150 candidates, in which each person was assigned many different tasks that required very high concentration, attention and patience.

In the first turn, the speed and performance of the participants were almost the same. However, after being shown two pictures: one with a green tree-shaped image, and the other . a cement floor within 40 seconds, the results were different. Those who look at the trees with fresh trees complete the work better at the next mission.

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You just need to look at a picture or image of nature to be enough to increase your concentration.

So if you are an exemplary and loyal citizen of the "Internet kingdom" , at least replace the wallpaper to a forest or a fresh river to increase efficiency.

4. Want to become rich? Let's fast a little longer

Hunger can lead to many consequences: making our psychology become unstable, irritable, and especially stimulating the need to eat afterwards, making us eat up our mouths and then have errors with the weight table .

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Hunger can bring many consequences: making our psychology become unstable, irritable .

But from an evolutionary point of view, this is not very reasonable. If our brains are so easily moved because of a passing hunger, we become extinct long ago.

In fact, when hungry, there will be a few "switches" in the brain that work again. For example, hunger will affect visual perception by amplifying the size of important things in the environment. So in logic, we will think more carefully when we are hungry.

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Will we think better when we are hungry?

To prove this, experts at Utrecht University (Netherlands) did an experiment with two groups of students, one of whom did not eat anything for 10 hours.

They play a "chance game" - a game that stimulates the ability to make decisions in real life, operating under the mechanism: "either take out some money now, or wait a bit more more to get more money ".

The results showed that the bustling students tended to "wait a little more for more money" . In other words, they are the ones who have invested better, or they have quickly realized the key to reaching "wealth".

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Let your stomach be hungry before deciding what to buy and sell.

A few other recent experiments have also shown that you should make important financial decisions when you are hungry, because at this time we will carefully consider receiving more risks.

So let your stomach be hungry before deciding what to buy and sell. Sometimes you will become rich!

Update 18 December 2018



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