6 ways to become immortal unbelievable in human history

If risking your life means that, in a way, will bring about a significant life-span, will you accept to go on that path to the end?

These are really famous and somewhat prominent names in the past, but they have a long-term, unspoken belief.

If risking your life means that, in a way, will bring about a significant life-span, will you accept to go on that path to the end? Or is it true or not that dying to be revived at a different time in the future? Most of us probably do not dare to make a definitive decision if we are in such a situation. But the following characters find ways to touch the medicine for the immortality or youthful stream, and then die in vain in the search of that distant.

In contrast, contrary to these tragic cases, Juan Ponce de Leon's tale is recorded as the only person to achieve results in his attempt to find the Source of Life. However, it is still a myth that is recounted, and truth is associated with many despairing deaths of those who are raising hope to achieve immortality, as well as life that can last up to the next life. .

1. Blood transfusion

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Alexander Bogdanov believes that blood transfusion may be the key to immortality.

Alexander Bogdanov is a rather famous figure in the past, not to mention his strange death.

Bogdanov founded the Proletkult art movement , and at the same time developed the field of studying morphology and biological structure. He also upheld his position and opinion, believing that blood transfusion methods could be the key to immortality.

What comes must also come. Bogdanov conducted several blood exchange tests, and obtained good results - that was what he thought. He thinks his health has changed positively after each successful implementation. Until his last fate, he gave blood to a student with malaria and died shortly after. It is unclear whether Bogdanov died of the malaria virus or because of the incompatibility with the blood group of the other student - it is still a mystery without a clear explanation. But the student was lucky to survive the test.

2. " Longevity " medicine

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Qin Shihuang died of taking mercury extract - which he thought would make him immortal.

The image of drugs that have a long-lasting effect has become a unique feature of Chinese legends, even brought up in many episodes in movies, typical of the Thai Thuong's furnace. Old Military in Journey to the West. What about in the history of true dynasties of this vast country? There have been many doctors saying that they have produced the perfect recipe for the first dose, but in the records found, these "rare and precious" remedies not only proved to be ineffective, but also . killing against suffering.

Qin Shihuang, the first Emperor of the Qin Dynasty died of taking mercury-derived medicine - which he thought would make him immortal. Even the above formula was buried with him under his tomb.

There are also many other cases just because they want to have the power of the saints but die. The five Tang kings were no exception: pursuing the eternal longevity medication, so that some people went crazy for taking medicine, eventually the eunuch in the palace had to kill him. Not only that, the death of a Ming king was also thought to stem from blind efforts to find the key to immortality.

3. Solutions made from gold

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Diane de Poitiers widow.

Although King Henry II of France was married to Lady Catherine de 'Medici, those who were closer to him than Diane de Poitiers widow. She is known for her timeless charm. At that time, it was thought that if you wanted to preserve the beauty of youth, a dose made from gold chloride and ether (C 2 H 5 OC 2 H 5 ) would prevent the effects of time. However, Ms. Diane died slowly of that medicine, died at age 66. Many later evidence of her hair analysis also recognized the metal poisoning that gold caused.

Certainly Diane is not the only case because of her crazy belief that she must die. There have also been records of many deaths due to arsenic abuse in beauty or even harsh blades in cosmetic surgery.

4. Give yourself mercury poisoning yourself

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Mercury is a familiar name that appears most often in the formulation of immortal drugs.

As mentioned, Chinese physicians are involved in the use of mercury in the process of searching for immortal doses. But not only Chinese culture but also Western chemists who have forgotten to forget sleep find a recipe for "The Sage's Stone" - a compound that revives people's youth. And mercury is a familiar name that appears most of the recipe for it.

Of course, manipulating and working with such a high level of mercury also greatly affects the health of the scientists who produce the remedy. Isaac Newton was a case in point, once showing signs of end-of-life poisoning: seizures, hallucinations, neurological disorders and also insomnia.

5. Guinea pig testicles

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Charles-Édouard Brown-Séquard.

Charles-Édouard Brown-Séquard is a physiologist and researcher on human neurology. But his research works destroyed all previous reputation. Specifically, he conducted injections into the body extracted from guinea pig's testicles and dogs, asserting that it has the effect of "improving old people". Brown-Séquard still maintained that process until his death at age 76, and most of his colleagues did not recognize the true effect of this dose.

Earlier, Brown-Séquard announced that he found the formula of the source of life, then distributed them to other scientists. Some responded, calling it a miracle remedy, while others could not tolerate it. At least one case has been confirmed fatal after obeying the words of the Brown-Séquard.
One of the most unbelievable records was Pud Gavin, a professional pitcher who used the sport in sports - insisting that Brown-Séquard's compound really made me play much better. But they certainly did not immortalize him, because he eventually died of stomach ulcers at age 45.

6. Hibernate

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This form is only allowed to be applied when the body has completely shut down.

There has been a lot of controversy around whether to allow the preservation of the bodies of people with serious diseases to have more time to find a cure in the future. One of the most striking cases of the time involved Thomas A. Donaldson when he filed a petition to the California Court for his right to apply the method (after Donaldson's death, his body was also approved to preserved in frozen condition in 2006).

Basically, this form only allowed to be applied when the body was completely deactivated, but some people were "anxious to die" to preserve their bodies as quickly as possible. Alcor Center - a study of life extension - mentioned a client who asked how to die instantly, shortening time and work. In the end, he shot himself in the head, then was also put into the freezer. No one is sure whether the success of this "resurrection" process will be smooth in the future, but surely the action of the other customer only makes things more difficult and complicated for himself. only

Update 18 December 2018



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