65 interesting things about jellyfish (2)

In Korea, jellyfish are advertised on television and in the press as a cure for obesity and to help beautify the skin (skin care activities are explained by jellyfish collagen).

In Korea, jellyfish are advertised on television and in the press as a cure for obesity and to help beautify the skin (skin care activities are explained by jellyfish collagen).

>>>65 interesting things about jellyfish (1)

33. A British government adviser predicts that extraterrestrial creatures are shaped like giant jellyfish, if they really exist.

Picture 1 of 65 interesting things about jellyfish (2)

A strange flying object resembling a jellyfish

34. Jellyfish is like an invader. Eight years after jellyfish entered the Black Sea, they reached a total mass of 900 million tons. It is estimated that this species has caused losses of up to 350 million dollars for the fishing and tourism industry here.

35. In 1910, Alfred Gainsborough Mayor, an American scientist, discovered a large pink jellyfish near the coast of Cookstown, Queensland, Australia. Mayor calls the jellyfish Crambione Cookii. Back then, the scientific world did not know much about this mysterious animal. Based on Mayor's sketch, they only knew its body length was 50cm and its venom was very poisonous. Since then they have never seen a giant jellyfish again.

Picture 2 of 65 interesting things about jellyfish (2)

Pink jellyfish

36. Every year, around 150 million people worldwide are attacked by jellyfish. This number in Florida is 200,000 and 500,000 people around Chesapeake Bay.

37. Due to environmental pressure can increase jellyfish herd. Jellyfish are one of the few species that can live and adapt to dead waters or places where there is less oxygen or pollution. There are more than 400 dead zones worldwide.

Picture 3 of 65 interesting things about jellyfish (2)

Jellyfish species are able to grow even in polluted water

38. Many scientists believe that due to changes in the environment, climate change, pollution, over-fishing have led to an increase in the quantity of this species.

39. In some parts of the world, jellyfish is a dish. Hundreds of tons of jellyfish are consumed every year for $ 15 / pound (about 0.45kg). There have been many 'million dollar' businesses appearing thanks to this food business. The jellyfish used to eat is usually Cannonball .

40. Jellyfish are also mined for collagen, which are used for a variety of purposes, including the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.

41. In 2007, the outbreak of this species killed more than 100,000 salmon at a salmon farm in Northern Ireland.

42. Jellyfish belonging to Cnidaria system. All species in this system have a bone shape that rotates with symmetrical mind such as hydrological species, anemones and corals.

43. In 2002, an American tourist died after being bitten by Irukandji jellyfish in Australia's Great Barrier Sea. This jellyfish is small in size and three tentacles are like three legs. Most jellyfish have venom-containing injections on their tentacles, but these species alone have them on their bodies.

44. An adult jellyfish is named 'medusa' (plural is' medusae ') after a monster in Greek mythology - Medusa with snakes' hair.

Picture 4 of 65 interesting things about jellyfish (2)

Medusa in Greek mythology

45. In the 2008 Seven Pounds film, the character Ben Smith played by Will Smith committed suicide by dropping a poisoned jellyfish into his bath.

46. Jellyfish digest food very quickly. Because it will be difficult to emerge if carrying a large amount of food around you.

47. Venom in a box jellyfish can kill 60 people.

48. Each year, more people die from jellyfish than people who die due to shark attacks.

49. Most jellyfish species undergo two basic stages of development. In the early stages, they are called polyps and grow by creating buds. Then the polyp developed into a jellyfish called ephyra. After a few weeks, ephyra becomes adult or medusa jellyfish.

50. Box jellyfish are unique because they have 24 eyes, 4 brains work side by side, and there are 60 anus. Of its 24 eyes, there are 2 eyes that can see colors. It is also one of the few species in the world that can view 360 degrees of its surroundings.

51. The most dangerous venom in the ocean is the box jellyfish.

52. Jellyfish is also a cause of the temporary closure of a nuclear power plant in Japan after it was found trapped in the plant's cooling system. The Japanese call them Echizen Kurage, Nomura's jellyfish in English.

53. In an episode of the film Friends, a character used urine to solve the jellyfish's venom. However, neuroscientists say that this makes no sense.

Picture 5 of 65 interesting things about jellyfish (2)

Jellyfish species box

54. Many neurosurgeons think that countermeasures for jellyfish venom are vinegar and urine. Instead of doing that, the best thing you should do when attacked by jellyfish is to get out of the water of this creature, washing the area of ​​the jellyfish attacked by salt water. Saltwater will temporarily stop the venom-containing cells. While fresh water will make it stimulated again. And the best way to remove these toxic cells on your skin is to use a credit card to scrape the damaged skin.

55. Jellyfish that live in aquifers with lots of sunlight often tend to be transparent, not colored. While jellyfish that live in deeper water are often red, purple, blue, yellow or even striped.

56. Jellyfish give birth in different ways, some put eggs out by mouth to fertilize outside. Some fertilize and feed baby jellyfish in their mouths until they grow large enough to survive on their own.

57. A military robot shaped jellyfish has been created for the purpose of searching for rescue, doing survey tasks. This robot uses hydrogen fuel and oxygen to help it swim. So the 'exhaust' that it produces is just heat and water.

58. The top body of a jellyfish is like a mushroom called a bell.

59. Jellyfish is an extremely dangerous jellyfish. The beauty as well as the light that it emits brings about a quick death to the creatures in its sights.

Picture 6 of 65 interesting things about jellyfish (2)

A comb jellyfish

60. Scientists have studied an antitoxin for box jellyfish venom. In Australia, in areas with living jellyfish boxes, ambulances and detoxification to save lives are always in a state of readiness to operate.

61. Lion mane jellyfish is one of the largest jellyfish species. It has tentacles up to 36.6m long. Its bell-shaped body may be larger than 2.3m. It lives throughout the oceans around the world. Its main food is small fish, shrimp, and other small jellyfish. The venom of this jellyfish is only painful but does not kill.

62. Both ordinary jellyfish and box jellyfish use their tentacles to hunt. However, box jellyfish are more active hunters, mainly because they have eyes, unlike other jellyfish. Moreover, box jellyfish are also better able to swim. A box jellyfish can swim at speeds of up to 4 miles per hour, faster than a normal person's swimming speed.

63. The attack speed of jellyfish venom injections is also among the fastest in nature. This speed was faster than the speed of a bullet fired from the barrel.

64. On average, one person dies every year because of jellyfish in Australia. And box jellyfish are the cause of more deaths, with more than 100 people every year in other parts of the world like the Philippines, Indonesia and Thailand.

65. Jellyfish's venom kills people by 'helping' our hearts to stop in just 2 minutes.

Update 17 December 2018



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